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Picture of Sapphire Perne (as Elizabeth Gillies)


I waved him goodnight before stepping out of the supermarket and head toward my dear Allan, an old and rusty trunk. Even though he was on the verge of breaking, I still uses it since it was one of the things left behind by my grandma. It hurts to be alone but I am used to it that it almost feels normal. However to the eyes of someone else, I'm just another introvert nerd with black rimmed glasses, baggy clothes and whose long and midnight black hair is always a messy bun.

At first it used to disturb me when people talk behind my back but eventually I got through it and can now avoid them and their comments.

I got in the trunk and head toward my cozy cottage.

Believer by Imagine Dragons was playing as I was focused on the road. As I arrived home I quickly got in and closed the door behind me. I headed toward the bathroom to take a hot shower.

Winter was approaching way too quickly this year. Although it has not started snowing, it is still cold. Once the water was warm I jumped into the shower and started applying lavender shower gel on my body. I was not slim nor fat, just a little bit chubby. I never had a problem with my body since i loved it and considered it chubby.

And as usual, only during shower time that one has the time to think about life. So much have changed after the death of grandma. She was my only relative. She took my responsibility when I was only three years old. At that time my parents died in a car acccident.

Six years ago she disappeared. Till date I am still confused wether she is still alive or not. That time my sixteen years old self was returning home from school. When I entered, it was eerily quiet. Not a single sound was heard. I called for her many times but never got an answer. I started to panic. I went into her room and was shocked. Everything was a total mess. Clothes were scattered around, there were broken glasses on the floor. Out of all this mess something caught my eyes. It was a piece of paper on the drawer. I approached it cautiously and took it. It was a letter and from the handwriting it seems to be from grandma.

Dear Sapphire

I'm afraid that I had to leave like this so suddenly. Don't worry I'll be back home in the blink of an eye. I'll explain everything to you once I returned. I've left money in the drawer for you to use until then.

Take care



The money she left was used only one year and all of them went for my school fees. However at the age of seventeen I left school because I couldn't afford to pay the fees. I was afraid of telling anyone, not like I really had someone to tell but still. The thought of being dragged away from here into the house of strangers sent a shiver down my spine. Since I was still a sixteen, I was sure that people wouldn't allow me to stay on my own. Even I was living alone, I didn't felt lonely. However I got a job at the small supermarket of Black River and I'm still working over there. A small town surrounded by mostly forests, dense forests. There were rumors that huge wolves inhabit the forest. I would occasionally hear howls in distant but I got used to it. Grandma said that they would never venture this part of the forest.

She pretty much told me things about wolves and all like bedtime stories. However they don't scare me.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a white fluffy towel around me. I shivered tremendously while putting my clothes which consisted of black lingerie, black sweatpants and a grey hoodie. I made myself a cup of hot coffee and sat on the couch with one of grandma's old books that caught my attention. Days ago I found it and was very curious about it. Today that I got home earlier than usual, I decided to go through the pages.

It was a quite interesting book which was about mythical creatures. At times it looked more like a diary. There were many folklore of different countries and pictures of creatures on the next page. And there were also ways to kill and cure them. I wondered why grandma had such a creepy book with her. I came up with the conclusion that maybe she took stories from the book to narrate to me when I was being mischievous or something.

I read it for what felt like an hour. Some of them gave me goosebumps. I wonder whether I'll be able to sleep tonight with all these creatures feeding on my brain. I washed the cup before heading to bed. I yawned and plopped in my warm bed. I covered myself with a heavy and comfy blanket. I closed my eyes with the hope of having a good sleep without nightmares. After grandma left, I was having nightmares almost all nights which made it impossible for me to follow during classes since I wasn't getting enough sleep.

Soon I fell asleep.

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