Chapter 13: Back Home✈️🏘

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(Fast forward two weeks later)

Marinette was back home, with her parents. She was unpacking when she heard the doorbell ring. She ran downstairs, closing the trapdoor as she went. Mari opened the door to see a short dark haired woman smiling and a big man with a dark moustache. She let them inside and hugged them.

 I know it's already been Christmas but it was the only gif I could find😅

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. I know it's already been Christmas but it was the only gif I could find😅

Sabine frowned. "Is that a baby crying?" Marinette turned red in embarrassment but there was no point in lying to them. "Yeah, mom. I-I was pregnant." Sabine gasped. She grabbed Marinette's hand and marched her up to her room. Then closed the trapdoor so Tom couldn't get in. She was certainly angry but when she picked up the chubby baby, all of her anger melted away. "I'm so young to be a grandmother. But so lucky. She's so cute. You're a good mother. I can trust you," Sabine murmured softly. Marinette smiled. "Sooo... are you still angry with me?" Marinette asked. Sabine put the baby down and cleared her throat. "Of course you can keep the baby, but I need to know one thing: Who's the father?" Marinette hung her head.
"Adrien Agreste." Sabine breathed a sigh of relief. Marinette was surprised to see her mother so happy. "At least it wasn't one of those gangsters." She smiled at Marinette and went back downstairs saying, "Bring the baby and show your father. I'll fix it a bottle." She hesitated. Marinette laughed and told her 'it' was a girl. But anyway, she hurried downstairs and her parents demanded to know everything that was going on in Singapore. It took her the whole evening to tell them. She even told them about the snake, monkey and her cutting open her stomach. Their parents gasped and were shocked at her bravery. "If you can survive that, who knows what you're capable of." Sabine laughed at her mischievousness. They cut cake to celebrate and phoned every member of the Dupain Cheng clan. Everyone was happy, but on the father's side, things were a little less merry...

Think it's the end? Think again!

Adrien had arrived home at 3pm, greeted by Nathalie and the gorilla. Even Gabriel Agreste.
Guys idk if it's an addiction but I love saying 'agreste' idk y😂😂😂😂

"Congrats." Nathalie shook his hand, but Adrien was left confused. What were they congratulating him about? "Why are you guys congratulating me?" Nathalie and the gorilla were happy but Gabriel Agreste was not happy about it, in fact, what he did next was so heartbreaking and unforgiving, you would not be surprised to hear he was HAWKMOTH. "I see you've become a father," Gabriel Agreste spat. Adrien nodded slightly. "IS THAT WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE? TAKING CARE OF CHILDREN?? I RAISED YOU UP TO BE A MODEL AND TO GAIN RESPECT, BUT IT SEEMS AS THOUGH YOU DO NOT WANT IT!!!" He roared. His usual pale creamy color had struck a dark red, almost purple. It was funny more than anything. Adrien imagined Gabriel Agreste howling and ripping his shirt away, revealing--- Okay, let's not imagine that, ever!!! 😂😂
"You are to leave this house before I kick you out with this boot." He pointed to his well-polished leather shoe. Adrien felt a sudden impulse to curse his family. He swore savagely to his father, but said thanks to Nathalie. With that, he felt like using his Cat Noir cataclysm, but he wasn't allowed to show his identity to anyone, plus of he said, "Plagg, claws out" that instant then everybody would scream at the tiny black flying creature, probably mistaken for a bat. " You will never change your wicked ways!" He cried and slammed the door hard behind him, tears falling. Nearly the whole neighbourhood was listening, and a huge crowd of press had gathered. "Mr Adrien Agreste, what will you do now that your father has kicked you out?" One reporter asked. Adrien plucked up the courage to answer, "I will move to my fiance's house. And all of you, be warned, do not stand in my father's way. He is a stubborn old man who will never listen to anyone. If you can, please do not call him or anything. If I could, I'd lock him up forever. Now, please will you get out of my way?" He asked, and the crowd separated, forming a line of drooling fans. He quickly ran to Marinette's house, turning back every few seconds just in case someone was following him, but only a taxi followed him until they reached the high street. Then Adrien hid behind a cart of lemons. The smell was so overpowering, it reminded Adrien of the night she did the Chapstick Challenge and the lemon and lime flavour came out. Brain switched off, Adrien randomly ordered 1kg of lemons in a bag. He then realised. "Why the hell did I just buy lemons?" Adrien burst out laughing. Plagg got woken up by the continuous shaking of his chest as he laughed.
*Adrien fans gasp and sigh dreamily*
Btw I'm not a fan of Adrien.

He quickly made his way to Mari's house and rang the doorbell. A bright-eyed smiley girl with dark curls fluttering her lashes smiled with her red lips at him as she cradled a baby, rocking it back and forth gently. "Hey, Adrien. Come inside." She saw him sad and  realised he looked so bizarre. He was a tall guy who was carrying a suitcase in one hand and a bag of lemons, frowning. She laughed out loud as she asked him, "What's with the lemons?" Adrien looked at his lemons then back at her.
"I don't know either. I was hiding behind a cart full of lemons and it reminded me of our Chapstick Challenge the lemon one and so I bought it then I realised why did I buy lemons and started laughing too." He spoke in a wild torrent so she couldn't understand him. "I'll tell you everything if you let me inside. " She gestured onwards and he strolled inside, the door to his new life...

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