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Life of a medical student Part 1: September 2017

Current activity: listening to 80s music while attempting to study lecture slides.

Pro: 80s music is so funky, crazy and random yet so original. The artists honestly think they are the hottest shit right now and have so much fun.

Con: The music videos are slightly distracting as you tend to stop and think what the fuck? And then you have to watch the full video.

Music track: "Whip it" by Devo

Do me a favour and watch the music video of this track. I bet the African-American hip-hop and jazz artists back in the day would have been like "these white people" and face-palmed.

While jamming to 80s legends (such as Wham! and Deee-Lite) and attempting to read through my current module of Geriatrics; I cannot help but reflect on my own life. For those of you who don't know: Geriatrics is the study of old people and concerns the physiological changes and medical conditions associated with ageing. Sitting cross-legged with my laptop before me I browse over notes on 'Sex and growing older'. An interesting lecture as it covers a socially taboo subject. The older generations tend to feel uncomfortable discussing sex and when issues arise in their sex-life they definitely do not talk about it which leads to eventual depression and conflict with their partners. I would like to emphasise that these issues must be voiced and addressed. Talk to your doctor if you feel uncomfortable or even a sex counsellor. Sex counsellors tend to be really cool individuals with a great sense of humour. This is a general statement as obviously I have not met every sex counsellor known to man and can therefore not vouch for them all.

Anyway, my current notes depict the effects of ageing on an individual's sex life by focusing on men and women separately. For men a huge ego bruiser is the first time he "cannot get it up" also known as erectile dysfunction. Yes we can laugh but I can't imagine it's very amusing for the man himself. Other issues include a fall in desire, longer recovery period during climaxes and premature or retrograde ejaculation. For women the whole menopause thing is a chief complaint as they experience hot flushes and vaginal dryness. Getting stiff and painful joints with age also doesn't help in the sex department. The prevalence of STDs are also known to be high among the older generations.

Now that you have just had an unwanted crash course on this topic I'll get to my point now. While reading and processing this very relevant information I cannot help but wonder how the older generation handles these situations. Being in a marriage for so long would you feel comfortable talking about this stuff? Do they know that these changes are normal? Do they know they are allowed to ask for help? Let's be honest – sex is an important part of life. That's basic biology. These thoughts purely strengthen my wish to never get old; albeit I doubt any young person does.

Another idea that hit me was "Shit. These old people are getting more action than I am." Being a twenty-two year old virgin is by no means an achievement. It's not like I planned it! It just happened. Or didn't happen if you want to be technical. The "millennial generation" or whatever the world wants to call us is seriously lacking in their social skills. Courting or "wooing" isn't done anymore. This has nothing to do with high standards when common decency is such a rarity. New trends include: negging, one night stands and Tinder. I know I am part of this generation but guys – STDs are a thing! Once you see a patient who is HIV positive Stage IV the fear becomes real. Also the whole hooking up thing is empty. Just a bunch of lonely people looking for a quick kiss – unknowingly kissing a person that has already hooked-up with half the club (Herpes is a thing too! And that one is for life). I have seen thirty year old men with more game than people my age. And no I do not intend to date any thirty year olds as I a refuse to acknowledge the fact that I have daddy issues. What happened to simply hanging out with people your age without any demands or unrealistic expectations?

I'm not bitching about my lack of love life. Merely finding the irony amusing in which I am being taught to counsel and assist in the love life of others while I myself am inexperienced. Funny how giving good advice is always easier than taking your own advice or making the right decision for yourself.

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