I let you fall out of my grasp

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Fighting was hard, running was tiring, jumping was killing my legs.

I wasn't an actual part of voltron hence I have no suit like them, no weapons like them, and no actual stuff like them, but I have my own bow and I have good  agility skills and I can shoot very well so they decided to add me.

We were running away, stealing something that was ours in the first place. Running bridges and avoiding snipers and harpoons. They shot fast and accurate. We ran in zig zags and all over the place to avoid the direct hits. "Y/n! Move faster! Sniper 5 o'clock." I ran to the side but I ran off to far and fell. I pulled out my bow and latched onto the huge hooks that lined the edge of the bridge that stood 45 feet tall. I exhaled heavily and noticed that I wasn't dead, yet. Keith ran to the edge and looked down. "I'm okay." I shout. "How are you gonna get back up?" He shouted down. "I have a way." I informed him. I looked over to see rows and rows of hooks. "I'm going to jump from hook to hook and I'll meet you at the end." Keith nodded and ran to the end. I used all my force to launch myself to the next hook. I did it again and again. I was five hooks to the end when I heard a rumble. I looked behind me and saw cracks form in the bridge. "Guys!" I shout. Everyone else was through to the next section while Keith was waiting for me. Keith runs over. "What is it?"
"The bridge is cracking. If this thing breaks, I'm going to fall and die."
"Well let me pull you up."
He outstretched his hand and I grasped for it. I strained so hard to grab his hand but he couldn't grab me. More strains and cracks formed and sounded. They slowly make their way to my hook. "Keith, " I shouted in fear. "Hurry!" He tried harder to stretch and out fingertips touched. "I almost got you." He says. Cracks were louder and louder closer and closer. "Please Keith!" He was so close to holding my hand the cracks touched the metal base of the hook and the hook started bending because of my weight. The hook made a creaking sound. Everyone else showed up and saw me. They hung on to each other and let Keith hang off of the bridge. "Come on y/n! Grab on!" I grabbed for his hand but within seconds my ears rang. Everything went silent. I tried, I really did.

But I missed.

I fell

I watched the terror in Keith's eyes as he watched me fall.

Keith's pov
I watched her fall, I watched my light sink into the darkness. I watched her die. I stood up and looked at them. "We have to go." Lance said. I followed them till we were safe. I said nothing. I looked blankly at the ground. The ground isn't always solid, the ground doesn't always save you. I let a silent tear fall. She was gone. I slumped to the ground and shiro sat next to me, I let my longish hair fall over my face like a waterfall. "Hey bud. You okay?"
"No. I'm not okay, she's dead." I said quietly.
"Oh buddy." Shiro said sympathetically. "I want her to be alive." I stated. "I know you do." He agreed patting my back. "Are you gonna be okay?"
"Maybe. Maybe I will."
"There you go, that's the optimistic Keith I know."
I faked a smile and he got up to go plan with the team. The team... she always was left out. She always was like an outsider, she was never truly a part of our team. But did she see it that way? No. She always saw it as she was part of the team. But she was really just a side fighter. I wish she hadn't been naive.
I burry my head in my arms and legs and silently cry.

I knew we had to move on so I wiped my eyes and got my head back into fighting mode. We successfully got out and we all lived. Well... most of us.

Part 2 Maybe?

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