Dont cry

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<Play song>I wake up in slow groggy haze. Today I visit him. I slump out of bed and get dressed. "Hey you Okay?" Jake asks. "Yeah. I'm going to see my dad." I say getting into the car. "Okay." He said with a reassuring smile. I drive trying to hold back tears. I make it to the hospital and squeak out the name. The nice lady helps me into the room and I see him. Laying there, he was fragile. He turned his head to me ever so slowly. "Hey papa." I say.
"Hey darling."
"How you doing?"
"How long?"
"A couple weeks depending on how much support they give me."
We talk for a minute and then the door opens. Jake walks in and my dad says hi.
Dad sits up and says "these past three days have been weird here, I'm not used to being in a hospital for so long, three days is forever."
"Dad, you've been here for a month." I say.
"Really?" He questions
He starts to fall. The heart monitor buzzes and nurses and doctors run in. They rush him out.
A nurse comes in 10 minutes later saying they lost him.
He was gone. I cried and cried.
He would never see his beautiful granddaughter. I was eight months pregnant and he didn't even see. He was going blind.

Two years later...
We walk to his grave. I was holding my daughters hand and holding flowers in my other hand. We stop and I start crying. My daughter just watches me and sits next to me. She was sick so she said very few words. We just sat there. It was cold, maybe 10 degrees out. I sat in the snow above his grave. After I finish crying I get up and walk away but she doesn't follow. She says something she said "I love you grandpa keith." She kisses his tombstone and my heart broke. I saw the date and his name on his grave.

Keith kogane
1999- 2041
May you always remember me. Even if I don't remember you.

He was 42 when he died. I broke down. She's never met him and she loves him. I'd love to believe she'd love to play with him. I'd love to believe He'd love her. I always hold on to the fact that he's watching over us. But what really made me believe was when I saw her pick a small dandelion and place it on his grave. "Goodbye grandpa, rest now." She walked to me and held my hand. "Grandpa said he loves you, and he loves me too."

I'm in the mood to write a sad story. It's almost 2 am so I'm sleep deprived and sad now! Yay!

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