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Hello readers, book lovers and writers! Here goes chapter two. I hope you're going to have an awesome weekend with lots of pizza and chocolate. Don't forget to vote, comment and enjoy!


Firstly, the sound came back. Distressed voices and feet meeting the floor hurriedly. Beeps coming from somewhere, and my own heavy breathing. Secondly, I came in contact with my body once again. I could feel the hard bed underneath me and the pain building up at the back of my head. My knees felt as though they were on fire and my back was stiff. Lastly I managed to open my eyes. They flickered open and I was met by worried faces and the kind of light that makes your eyes sting.

"Ginger, I am Doctor Phoenix and you are at the Cari hospital." A woman with greying hair and kind, dark eyes took my hand. "Are you in any pain?"

I frowned, blinking slowly as I looked up at her. "My head and my knees."

"I see." She mumbled and started giving the nurses intructions as they rolled the bed into one of the cubicles.

One of the nurses gave me medicine to relieve the pain while they moved me over to the hospital bed. Before Doctor Phoenix started examining my head I got into a hospital gown.

"Does this hurt?" She asked as she gently rubbed her thumb over a sore spot.

I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes tightly with a nod. The pain slowly faded away though as the medicine started working and I watched as the nurses cleaned my knees. The doctor cleaned out the wound in the back of my head as well and decided on how to fix it.

"This is going to need stitches, alright?" She said with a scowl. "But it's nothing to worry about, and your knees just need some bandages."

An hour later I was left alone on the hospital bed. I was sitting up and biting my lip, looking down at my bandaged knees. It wasn't like I hadn't been injured out in the field before but I had never gone uncounscious. My dad had always managed to deal with any injuries I got and this was my first time at the local hospital.

I collapsed on the floor when I tried to stand and got mad at my knees for betraying me. A second later I was standing up again, holding onto a chair for support and a nurse rushed inside, giving me a pair of crutches. It took me a while to adjust to them but I was soon able to jump out of the cubicle to see my father. The nurse showed me where he was and when I walked inside he was sleeping peacefully. As I came closer he slowly woke up and put his hands over his eyes. I shot a worried glance to his shoulder and the nurse told me he was going to be fine soon. He left me alone and my father removed his hand, giving me one of his sad smiles.

"My sweet Ginger." He mumbled and I sat  down next to his bed, stroking his dark hair before grabbing his hand.

Father squeezed it and I looked down. "What happened after.....after I was knocked out?" I asked.

"I shot the last elf and tied the injured ones together before driving you straight to the hospital." He sighed and turned his head to look at me.

My father was in his late 40s and wrinkles had appeared between his bushy eyebrows. I had barely ever noticed any change in his appearance during my years alive but when I was sitting in that hospital chair, holding his hand and looking into his eyes I saw something. He looked tired, his brown eyes didn't carry any glow- they were blank and empty. I squeezed his hand slightly and a small smile slowly curved his lips, but it never reached his eyes- they remained empty and sad. We sat like that for hours, neither of us speaking a word outloud. He let go of my hand as I suddenly stood up, breaking eye contact with him and jumped away on the crutches.

"Get well soon, alright?" It was more of a demand than anything else and my father gave me one last sad smile before I left him alone in his cubicle once again.

As soon as I was back in mine I found my boots in the corner of the room and desperately started searching them for my dagger. I had entirely forgotten about it and was afraid that the nurses might have taken it from me. When panic started creeping into me I felt the cold metal against my fingers and pulled it out, watching the light reflect in the blade. I slowly stroked it, feeling the edge between my fingers with a small smile. Before I went over to the bed I put it back safely in the shoe, making sure no one would find it.

The bed was not comfortable enough to sleep in and I lay shifting there for hours. A nurse came to check on me now and then before I finally drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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