Not So Innocent

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Sorry for not updating I have had bit drama and friend drama and ugh just everything drama. So sorry but here we go chapter 10.

"What a-are you doing h-here" I say. This isn't happiness not him no way.

"Surprised much I see, you should of guess babe but you are to blind to se who is really against you. " he says a massive smirk across his face.

How can this be happing. I thought he was innocent. I thought he was pure. I thought he was a friend.

"N-Niall why why are you doing this " I stutter. Thanks world for hating me.

" Awh little baby can say my name. Well done I will make sure to tell Harry how cute you are at your funeral. " Niall snickers.


"What are you going to do to me?" I ask. Why would I ask that. Oh that right I am the dumbest person alive.

" oh hunny we have a lot planned for you. We are goin to rip you piece by piece limb by limb. Until there is nothin but bones to burn left. " Niall says walking over and bending down to my height.

What the hell who does that to a person and what did I do to deserve it.


she just got up and ran away. She ran away from me. That's a first. I look around at the rest of the boys they all look as confused as me.

" don't worry mate she will be back one way or another" Niall says. What does that mean. One way or another.

" what do you mean?" I ask. Squatting my eyes a little and furrowing my eyebrows.

"I just mean...nevermind mate" Niall says just ending the conversation there.

What in the world.

"I am going out to get. Get some food for us okay. " Niall stated we just got food.

"Bu-" before I could even finish my damn sentence. Niall is out if the door and running down the hallway.

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