Chapter 3

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Clary Pov

"Ok  so you are telling me that you want to tell are mates about our past and about the drug we use to live/survive with?" I questioned " yes " simon said " I think about what he said and yelled" Are you fuckin crazy? Why in the hell would we want to tell are mates about are past and the them about the drug that we well I use you on the other hand has use more drugs then anything I am surprised that you are still alive now not that I am glad that you are alive but anyway you dumbass I get that you want you mates to get to know you more but that is just crazy right there and I will tell you why you idea is so crazy because your mates will probably punish you for taking drugs and because I don't think we/you are not ready to tell nobody about are past yet because you still have flashbacks about you past and also don't want to see you cry or get hurt again" I said a little bit softer after a little while after seeing that simon was a little scared so I stopped " simon I am so sorry that I yelled at you but you need to understand why I am saying that you are not ready because you still afraid people yelling at you and every time someones raises their hand you flinch and then you get flashbacks most of the time you also get night terrors too and kills me to see you suffer for these thinks and plus you have an addiction to some drugs like cocaine and heroin and so other things like that you are on that I don't know the name of but I can promise you this if you get better and have less night terrors and flashbacks then we can talk about telling our mates about are past and other thinks that they don't know about us ok" I lectured " ok he said crying as I went to hug him he backed away and he was starting into space like he was
back their "SIMON" I yelled "snap out of it you are ok we are at the institute we are ok I am ok you are ok" I keep repeating and and hugging him until he calmed down and asked "are you ok?" "Yes I am ok and thank you for telling that now that I think about it I will wait while untill we tell are mates about our past and about the drugs we take" he stated then asked"but if we tell them now instead of later wouldn't it just make us worse then better but if we tell are mates about it now would make us better right?" He questioned I think about and I realized that he was right but I think we should still at least wait untill he is ready so I tell him that  " you are right but I still think we should wait till the time comes then we can gather up all of are mates and tell them together or we and gather up everyone that we know and tell them how does that sound "it sound good I can deal with that if that's ok with you?" He states and questioned " yeah that ok " I answered "ok I got to go so I will talk to you soon because my mates justed texted me saying that they need me to come home so bye" he saids before he stands up and gives me a hug and I say bye talk to you later and we will finish this conversation some other time" "ok" he said and left as soon as he left I start to song this(start video here)
I know it's hard
I know how you feel
I travelled the same road
And all you want
Is someone to hear
Your bleeding heart
Overflowing with tears
I hear you say
That nobody knows
That you contemplate suicide
Was no joke
Worthless inside
Left with no fight
But this can't be all
Because you still have a life
I'm here to
Speak hope to you
If I made it
You can make it too
You may feel like, life is over
I won't let you go
We're fighters
Never gonna give up
Never gonna give up
I'll take you hand and you'll take mine
We'll conquer this thing they call life
We're fighters
Never gonna give up
Never gonna give up
No I won't let you fight alone
We'll confront it and we'll stand strong
Yeah we all know, the struggles real
But you can't let go...
Because you're trusted with
This fight you're in
We're champions
We will win...
I'm here to speak hope to you
If I made it, you can make it too
You may feel like, life is over
I I won't let you go
Together we'll make it through
We're fighters
Never gonna give up
Never gonna give up
I'll take your hand and you'll take mine
We'll conquer this thing they call life
We're fighters
Never gonna give up, we won't quit
Never gonna give up
I won't let you stay alone
We'll confront it and we'll stand strong
On days when life's too much for you
I'll fight for you, ill fight for you
When you get weak, I'll be your strength
I'll fight for you
It's a temporary moment
I won't let that take over you
Because victory's coming...


Shout with me
Sing with me

We're fighters, yes we are
Never gonna give up
Never gonna give up
I'll take your hand and you'll take mine
We'll conquer this thing they call life, we'll stand our ground
We're fighters, yeah
Fighters, yeah
Fighters, yeah
We'll stand strong
We more the conquerors
We're fighters yeah
(End video here)
Narrator Pov
After clary finished singing she broke down crying saying"im sorry im so sorry" over and over again then the door busted open and......

Find out what happened
Who comes busting though the door
Keep reading and you will find out

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