Book Talk!

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+ infiniteendings- for all the amazing support, cover, and many more!
+ Hope-Mist for being an amazing friend through my writing and brightening my days o' plenty!
+ all the readers and everyone who is insecure or self-doubtful; you are beautiful! <33

[ pm me if you ever feel like this and if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here. Always. ]


Next topic... W.T.B.M.T.M

It stands for... What this book means to me.

Here is what it means:

1| the "he" is two people in my eyes, it's the lord I worship or Jesus Christ (please no religious hate against my own religion) he also stands for love of yourself, whenever he left was when she felt like she was lost, but at the end, that's when love and my god returned and became her final savior.

2| "she" is an insecure girl, she was made to represent my feelings, so basically "she" is my emotions, wanna know her real intended name? Elle-Lara.

3| this book was a book to help me cope with my own insecurities, me being super skinny, not appealing to the eye, talking to much, talking to fast, and it's made to tell you that your flaws are what make you, you. Without them you'd be a Barbie doll, just as boring as the others. Weight charts are cheats, mirrors can deceive, and people can be judging.



"I think some people just need to acknowledge that it's okay to not be okay." -Unknown

"Girls and boys with the most beautiful hearts seem to have the most insecurities." -Unknown

"Insecurity is the side effect of loving too much, but receiving too little in return." -Unknown

"She's so beautiful,
Yet so sad.
Always saying to one
will ever love her, and
yet when somebody
tells her that they love her,
she runs and hides.
Silly girl, they love you.
You just don't love yourself."
- H.S.


Thanks again for reading this book! Words cannot even begin to describe how happy I am for all of my readers and the support I get! Now let's watch this book climb the charts in pride at what it used to be.

Clair xx

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