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Chapter 3

*Current time*

"EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Logan yelled, stopping me, Evan and Brendan's argument over who grew up in the best state. "I know I don't typically do this fufu ass shit but I guess it's time!" He hissed, sitting in between Brendan and I on the white couch that was on the patio in our backyard. "We're going to be answering some questions from the roommate tag!" Logan smirked and I laughed as Evan clapped and cheered.

"Shut up!" Brendan laughed as he reached over Logan and I, hitting Evan's shoulder.

"I'M JUST EXCITED TO ANSWER QUESTIONS!" Evan yelled at the camera making me laugh.

"FIRST QUESTION!" Logan yelled loudly, looking down at his phone. "Did you know each other before you became roommates?" Logan smirked and I laughed softly, shaking my head.

"No, they found me on the street and decided to keep me like a stray dog!" I giggled, smiling at the camera as Evan wrapped his arm around me.

"Yet somehow she's everyone's favorite in the house!" He smirked and I nodded my head.

"NEXT QUESTION!" Logan yelled violently, looking at his phone. "What were your first impressions of each other?" Logan cleared his throat. "I'll go first!" He smiled, pointing at Brendan. "I thought Brendan as dope as fuck!" He then looked over at me, laughing softly. "I thought Tyler was super dope!" He smirked, before pointing at Evan. "And I thought Evan was also dope as fuck!" He laughed, and I looked at him strangely.

"You can't just think that everyone's dope!" I laughed and he smirked at the camera.

"My turn!" Brendan cleared his throat. "I thought Logan was dope as well, I thought Tyler was super talented and super amazing, and I thought Evan was hilariously amazing!" He smiled and I cleared my throat, wrapping my arm around Logan.

"I thought Brendan was super talented in his craft, I thought Logan was a big choch, and I thought that Evan was amazingly talented!" I smiled as I leaned my head against Logan's.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU THINK I WAS A CHOCH?!" He yelled, laughing as he jumped up looking at me.

"Because we met on Hollywood Boulevard and you tried to tell me about how much money you had!" I laughed, as he nodded, sitting back down.

"Respect!" He smirked, brushing his shoulder off as we all looked at Evan.

"Here's to honesty!" He sighed, pointing at me. "I thought Tyler was hot, I thought Logan was hilarious and I thought Brendan was super talented!" Evan smirked and I laughed, looking at Evan.

"Thank you for thinking I was hot!" I smiled and Evan shrugged, looking at the camera.

"NEXT QUESTION!" Logan cleared his throat, looking at his phone. "Heres a good one, what do you most commonly argue about?" Logan smirked, putting his phone in his lap as I cleared my throat.

"We argue about my car a lot more than we should!" I hissed and Logan shook his head, grabbing his camera.

"HERE'S WHY!" Logan yelled, running to the front of the house as Brendan, Evan and I chased after him. "LOOK, WE HAVE THE COOL BUS, THE YETI, THE CINQUE-CENTO, EVANS DOPE ASS CAR, THE MINI YETI, THE CHALLENGER AND THEN WE HAVE YOUR OLD ASS CAR!" He yelled, pointing the camera at my 1995 lifted black Jeep Wrangler with no doors or roof, then pointing his camera at me as I smiled softly. "THAT CAR IS OLDER THAN YOU!" He yelled and I laughed, running over to my car.

"BUT I LOVE IT!" I smiled, standing next to it. "DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER IT'S NAME?!" I yelled and Logan laughed, walking over to me and my car.

"Yeah, TRASH!" He yelled and I laughed, shaking my head.

"WRONG!" I pointed at him and he smirked softly, looking into my eyes. "It's name is Gasy Gus!" I giggled, kissing the side of my car.

"Why, because it will just suddenly start smoking ALL THE TIME?!" He yelled and I laughed, nodding my head.

"Yeah, it's getting bad isn't it?" I giggled as Logan walked over, wrapping his arm around me.

"It's okay Tyler!" Logan laughed as he gave the camera to Brendan. I wrapped my arms around Logan and looked over at my old piece of junk car.

"Are you bullying her again?" Greg sighed as he walked out of the house, adjusting his glasses.

"You caught me!" Logan laughed as he hugged me tightly. "Why don't you just get a new car?" He sighed and I shook my head, looking at my old car.

"There's a lot to this one..."I gulped, smiling softly as I looked up at Logan. "Stop doing that!" I smirked, patting his chest before walking towards the house.

"What?" Logan smirked as he looked over at me.

"Don't you even consider getting me a new car!" I pointed at him and he had this guilty smile on his face as he shook his head.

"I wouldn't dare!" He gasped, pretending to look offended as he looked at Brendan and the camera.

"Are you coming with us to Ohio for Christmas?" Greg sighed, wrapping his arm around me.

"I'm invited?!" I smiled and Logan glared at his dad as he quickly began to back track.

"No, I was just wondering what you're doing for Christmas." He gulped and I laughed, shaking my head.

"I was originally planning on heading home but Connor, Kerri and Lip are going Bermuda!" I sighed and Logan clapped his hands together.

"Then come to Ohio! You can experience a Paul Ohio Style Christmas!" He smiled, running over to Greg and I.

"Oh really?" I laughed, looking up at Logan and he nodded.

"Yes m'am!" Greg nodded as I giggled, looking over at Greg. "You can go sledding, you can see snow, you can-"

"I grew up in New York and in Chicago, I know what snow is!" I whispered and he nodded.

"Did you really think I didn't know that?!" He gasped and I shrugged my shoulders. "My son talks highly of you Ms. Johnson!" He smirked, looking into my eyes. "He talks about you a lot actually!" He laughed and Logan hit his dad making me laugh. "What I meant was you can see snow again, make it feel like home!" He smirked and I nodded, looking over at Logan.

"What do you say?!" Logan clapped and I shrugged, looking back at Greg.

"You can meet Vegas, see where this choch grew up!" He smirked, gesturing to Logan.

"I guess you sold me on meeting Vegas!" I giggled, looking at Logan.

"REALLY?!" He jumped and I nodded as he wrapped his arms around me, picking me up and spinning me around.

"Why are you so excited?!" I giggled as he put me down.

"Because I want to spend my favorite time or year with my favorite person!" He smirked before leading Brendan inside leaving just Greg, Evan and myself outside.

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