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Chapter 4

"He's in love with you." Greg blurted making Evan laugh as I looked at the two of them strangely. 

"Love is an understatement!" Evan laughed, shaking his head as he crossed his arms. "He is obsessed with you! He's obsessed with idea of you!" Evan looked up at me and I laughed, shaking my head. 

"Logan Paul isn't in love with me! He's in love with the idea of having mountains of girls falling head over heels for him! You two see the way he looks at every girl in this house!" I gulped and Evan nodded. 

"Yeah but he has already named his kids he's going to have with you. He already knows where your honeymoon's going to be!" He sighed and I nervously looked at Greg. 

"Listen, you know how you were like, 'look at the way he looks at every girl in this house'?" Greg sighed and I nodded as he wrapped his arm around me. "He looks at you like every prince looks at the princess in every Disney movie ever when you're not looking! He's not going to go all heart eyes over you when you're looking at him the same way when you think a guys cute, you look away when he looks over at you! It's not how he looks at you when you're looking that matters, it's how he looks at you when you're not looking!" He smirked and I shook my head, clearing my throat. 

"Did I agree to marry him when I said yes to going to Ohio with him?" I gulped and Greg laughed, shaking his head. 

"No, not this time!" He smiled as Evan laughed loudly, shaking his head. 

"You basically did!" Evan smirked as he walked back into the house. 

"Greg, I need you to promise me one thing!" I gulped and Greg nodded, looking into my eyes. "I know Logan and I saw the way he looked when I said yes to going to Ohio but, I also saw the way he looked when I told him not to think about getting me a car!" I sighed. "I need you to promise me that you won't let him get me anything big-"

"Such as a car?" Greg smirked and I nodded. 

"Such as a car!" I laughed softly, looking over at the piece of junk, my piece of junk to be exact. "I've never told Logan this before but, that was my dad's car." I gulped and Greg raised an eyebrow. 

"Connor's?" He looked at me and I shook my head. 

"Connor and Kerri aren't my real parents. I never got the chance to meet my birth parents. My dad died before I was born and my mom died giving birth. My mom's best friend adopted me and she ended up passing away and I ended up with Connor and Kerri." I gulped, looking at Greg. "That piece of shit, that's the only thing I have left to my real life family! That's the only thing that's made me feel connected to my mom and my dad, my real mom and dad. That's the only thing that's made me feel connected to my 2nd mom. That's the only thing that separates me from Connor and Kerri." I gulped, pointing at my car. "That's the only thing that's been there through it all, the only consistent thing in my life." I sniffled as Greg pulled me into a large hug. 

"I promise you I'll do everything I can to stop him if he tries to get you a new car and I promise you I won't tell him about this." He gulped, hugging me tightly. 

"Thank you." I mumbled as I hugged him tightly. 

"GREG PAUL! TYLER, GET IN HERE!" Logan yelled, loudly. 

"Just know, Logan's never invited anyone to a Paul Christmas!" Greg smirked and I smiled softly, shaking my head. 

"Then why me?" I laughed softly and he shrugged. 

"He loves you Tyler!" He smirked, patting my back before running towards the house. "You coming?" He laughed, looking back at me and I nodded. 

"Yeah, I'll be right there." I gulped, smiling softly before watching Greg run into the house leaving me and my thoughts. 

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