Part 1 (I guess)

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Yoongi woke up with a frown on his face. His alarm was blaring in his ear, guessing he fell asleep with his phone on his pillow he reached to grab it and turn it off. Then it hit him. Shit he had school today. He jumped out of bed and ran to his chair where he'd set up his clothes the night before knowing he would probably be late anyway. Once dressed he practically ran down the stairs to grab something to eat on the way but saw the clock. Turns out he was really late and needed to get there now. He dropped the apple he'd picked up and made a mad dash for the door.

Upon arriving at school somehow he still had time to kill, about two minutes before he had to get to class. "Phew... Damn it, I missed breakfast because I thought I was gonna be late but really I had time to kill!" Several kids glanced over to him and snickered but he ignored them all and attempted to find the office where he could get his new timetable. It didn't take him long and he soon had his timetable in his hands. First lesson was not music, great. The bell went so he started the hunt for his first class with everyone else, quickly finding it considering that it was the only class that had kids his year going to. Yoongi entered and sat right at the back while the teacher re-arrange some students into half a seating plan. Unfortunately that meant Yoongi also got moved... Right to the front. Could his day get any worse? He was sat next to a blonde model who seemed to be trying to avoid everyone's eyes. Did he speak too soon? Probably. Screams coursed through the room from a girl sat at the back "How dare you put Adrien next to some low life and not me!" The bitch screeched, Yoongi covered his ears with his hands but even then he could still hear her annoying voice. Finally he turned and snapped "Will you stop being pathetic and sit down. No one wants to hear you so for once in your petty little life, shut up and deal with the fact that Miss put me here and not you." He took a calming breath and Chloe stared at him in shock but consequently sat down and closed her mouth. He turned back to the front of the class and gestured for the teacher to continue. Everyone took a minute to gather their wits after he'd shouted, that was why everyone was lowkey terrified of Yoongi. Or not so lowkey for most peoples case after that...

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