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Keith always loved Lance, he didn't really know why...But there was just something about him. He kept trying to shake the feeling of being in love with the tan boy, but he kept thinking about him. Every time Lance would flirt with him he would unknowingly reject him. He was just used to pushing people away that tried to show him affection. 

Lance loved Keith. He knew so much about him, his fears, his hopes, his dreams...and other things. Keith kept trying to push him away, but Lance kept trying to get with him. Lance was just about to give up on Keith, until he found out something about him. 

One night he saw Keith sneak into his room with an armful of sporks. Being curious, he stealthy followed Keith and pressed his ear to the red paladins door.  

"Uhh, L-Lance~!" He moaned, pleasuring himself with the plastic utensil. 

"What the quiznak." Lance muttered, questioning why Keith was like this. Then a light went off in his mind, that's how he would get Keith. A spork. 

Sporks are scarce, so he would have to find one some way. He defiantly isn't going to get one from Keiths room. He would kill him if he found Lance in there. 

'Pidge might know.' Lance thought retreating back to his room. But he didn't know for sure that he was using a spork, he could just be eating a lot of food the requires sporks? But what food requires a spork? 

Lance entered his room and fell onto his bed. He lied awake with thoughts...many thoughts...mainly of Keith. His fantasies could finally come true...If only he found a spork. He would just be fine with doing him as is, but the spork would make everything better for Keith. Running his fingers through Keiths raven mullet, which he claimed to hate, while Keith moaned his name.  He loved hearing Keiths voice, even the moans from inside his room turned him on a bit. He imagined kissing every inch of his body seductively, Lance had assumed that Keiths skin would be very soft. 

"I have to find it." He muttered staring up at the ceiling. 

And thus, the mission for the spork began. 


"Uh, L-Lance~!" Keith moaned, pleasuring himself with the spork. He loved Lance, he wanted him so bad, but he had to compromise. He had grabbed all the sporks in the castle for his enjoyment. No one will ever know about his secret kink. But the thought of Lance ramming him with a spork just turned him on. Every time he looked at the tan boy, that thought invaded his mind.  He wanted him, he wanted him more than anything. 

While sneaking around the castle to gather the objects, he thought he had a shadow following him. What or who was it? Do they know what I'm doing with them? He thought. Does Lance know what I'm doing with them?   

The downside of using sporks is that they hurt like hell, and they break easily. That is why he grabbed so many. 

"Uh, ah~" He thought he had heard footsteps outside his door. Shit! They must have hear me, abort mission!  Keiths face turned a vibrant red and tried to stop his actions mid-orgasm. He panted trying to hear if they were still there. But all he could hear was his own loud breaths. 

"L-Lance? Was that you?" He said to himself still breathing heavily. "Uh~" He moaned, thinking of him. Just the thought of his hands running through his mullet which Lance claimed to hate. Or Lance biting at his pale skin and kissing every inch of his body. And what he loved most, Lance fucking him with a spork. Going so hard that the only thing that he can say is Lance's name. If only...

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