A Kill

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Before we start i just wanna say thanks for 42 reads! i know its not alot but for me it is considering that this is my first story. thanks so much! anyways im gonna stop waisting your time and lets get on with the story.

Baby's P.O.V

Alright. Time for our last show until the others come. I'm so excited to see what they're gonna be like! But first I gotta focus on making sure that the show goes smooth. 'Cause I don't wanna end this on a bad note.

~Time Skip~

"Look Bidybab agrees with you Billy"

Oh man this is alot more stressful than I thought I mean. I keep almost breaking my cover. I keep almost saying the wrong thing. Jeez it shouldn't be this hard to do a show I do it all the time! I guess I'm just being too parinoid. Welp, at least Tundra is playing with me.

She snuck over here while her dad was gone. All the kids have gone now.

Suddenly I feel a sudden rush of nausea.

 Now it looks like i'm in control. heheh. Come here Tundra don't be scared. "I don't know why daddy wouldn't let me play with you, your wonderful!". Oh you poor little girl. shgfvwkagufegfdmvbakugfjwehgvbdbaj's in control now. You're hopeless without your father. Wait why am I doing this again? Ha what am I talking about I know why i'm doing this. For pleasure and to show afton what he really has done.

And now shes gone without a warning.  Afton starts to morn her death after she gets scooped into baby by baby's claw. She's now gone and Circus Baby's Pizza World is getting closed down. But for good? Who knows, They'll just have to wait and see what the future holds for them.


quick note sorry that this chapter didn't include both P.O.V's i was just trying to focus on baby in this chapter but yeah anyways ill see you guys in the next chapter. BYEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! 

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