Chapter 3: Unexpected

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Jinyoung was just about to speak before Jisoo interrupt him.
" I have another interrogation again?"

Jinyoung startled for a moment to hear that before he chuckles a bit, finding such a funny yet sarcastic statement. "No, we have settled that."

"Then, what?"

Jinyoung chuckled again as he looked at her confused face. Cute...wait. What? What am I thinking?

Jinyoung quickly wiped away his thought before he gives Jisoo the plastic just now. The plastic of her white rose petals.

Jisoo startled a bit to see that again for a second time. "It is yours, right? Your mother", said him. 'Err...Jinyoung? That was probably a white lie that I've made', she thoughts but she just took it from him to avoid any kinds of suspicions.

"Ermm...Thanks, Mr Park", Jisoo thanked him. She was a bit awkward with him since she was talking to a police officer, behaving her 4D manner. Jinyoung chuckled again, making Jisoo to be absolutely confused. Just what's wrong with this guy?

"Don't call me that", he said.


"Mr Park", he said again. "You sounds like you are calling my father, Chief Park where you are actually about my age."

Wait, his father?

"So, that Comissioner General is your father?", asked Jisoo in disbelief. Jinyoung nodded to her question, smiling.

"Why? What make you so shock? You look like you have seen a ghost", said him, joking. Jisoo stood there in embarassment for overreacting in such a way. Okay, she really do need to behave herself.

"Sorry, it just that...Both of you look different in person"


"Well, I mean... Your father looks fierce but you..I mean, you don't look like that", said Jisoo, hesitating her words. Well, she admitted that Jinyoung was kinds of hot. He looks charming compared to Chief Park, even in his uniform, but, should she say that? Yahh, Jisoo. You already have a boyfriend remember? How about B.I?

"I look like...what?"

"Well, umm...charm- umm, by the way Mr Park-"

"Call me Jinyoung"

Jisoo was about to change the topic, but he interrupted her with his words. Right, call him Jinyoung.

"Ermm..Jinyoung, I need to go-" She was interrupted again by her ringtones, just to find out that it was Jennie. She left her a voice message, saying that she had a bussiness to deal with where she can't pick her up now.

"She can't pick you up, huh?", asked Jinyoung as he heard the message. Jisoo startled again now. No, no, no. Don't tell me he is going to send me home? She was already in such an awkward situation with him and she don't want to make it longer.

"Let me send you back home", said Jinyoung, as expected. "Wait, what? No, no, no. Its okay, I can take the taxi, or bus or-". She was probably thoughts a lot of reasons and alternatives to answer him, but he had already grab her hand with him, leading to his car.

He opened the door for her and with a heavy heart, she stepped inside. Jinyoung got in the car, fasten his seatbelt and already started his engines. "Okay, just tell me where, I will send you there", said him.

"But, Jinyoung, you are still in your working hour, don't you?", asked Jisoo. She really want to escape from this situation so damn bad but, what could she do?

"No, it is my break now"

"Then, you should get your lunch. I just interrupting your time. Just let me take the bus then", said Jisoo, still want to run. B.I would probably jealous and mad if he see this.

"Its okay, Jisoo-sshi", said him.

"Just grab our lunch together then." Geez, that was unexpected.


"Did you kill him?", asked a mysterious figure as he showed up in the secret room.

"Ye", answered him simple.

"Prove?", asked the man with the half-face mask. From his side, he really did resembled the phantom of the opera, but he is a human. A human with the demon's heart.

White quickly took out the prove, probably a part of the victim's organ. Not a heart, but an aorta and a pulmonary artery. He cut it out as soon as he shot him in the head, digging through the victim's stabbed wound. Two prominent blood vessels of the human.

He put both of the blood vessels into a bowl, dragging a large German Shepherd to eat it. It was normal for that dog to have such special dishes everyday. White ruffled the dog's head as he muttered 'good boy'. He can't deny it. Happy, he don't know. He is emotionless. It was also ordinary for him to kill humans now.

He could still remember his childhood. A peaceful life where he was actually pure yet innocent. At that time, he felt like living. Living his life for having such a high dream, to be truly alive as a human. But, who knows? It all change for just one night. Changing his innocence to be like a demon. Like a white rose dipped with blood.

"Now, White", said the masked man, interrupting his short flashback. He stood up with confidence, with revenge in his heart. Getting rid of all those jerks.

"We have another target"


Okay, short chapter...Sorry:)

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