Chapter 22: Strange Feelings

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"Its all your fault, White. Its all your fault"

Jisoo was so exhausted that she had stumbled to the ground, following White who still held her hand like forever. She want to free it, but who knows she might get lost or kidnap? Well, she kind of kidnapped by White, but its better she guess. White kept her alive not like those bald-head bastard just now.

"Gwenchana?", White scouted down to Jisoo who heavily panting for air. Her legs goes numb and all she did want is to rest. Its already past 9 pm and they have been running like forever. It was really dark that night but luckily there is a full moon as their source of light. Not to mention that she had been running in her dress and this damn heels, which worsen her condition especially legs. Another thing is, she is definitely hungry right now.

"Hold on", she panted heavily, holding to White's arm.

"Can't we rest? I'm sleepy, I'm tired, my legs hurt and my stomach is so angry at me right now"

White didn't replied as he glanced around him. They need to keep moving but its already late at night and they might stumble upon wild animals. Plus, Jisoo was right. They need a rest to gain energy for tomorrow, if they happen to meet that jerk.

Jisoo just stared at him as he suddenly moved to another spot behind the bushes. "Yahh, where are you going? Are you going to leave me here all alone??"

White didn't respond as he continued to hide behind it. He slowly reached for something that slip in his shoes as his eyes landed on straight to a spot behind the bushes. She tip toed beside White, peeking through the bushes at the same spot as she happily cheered before she suddenly squeeked.



Jisoo stopped her giddiness, turning towards White, who scouted down like a soldier, picking through a sharp knife, hidden in his shoes.

"You better shut up before our dinner run away", he hissed. Jisoo blinked a few times, widen her eyes right away before she held White's arm, restricting his move from stabbing the bunny.

"You want us to eat it for dinner? How cruel!", Jisoo exclaimed, glancing her eyes towards White and the white fluffy tail, back and forth. The bunny kept on sniffing around, realising the presence of danger near it. It's red eyes wandered around before it's small legs digging through the soil, building his shelter right away after sensing the danger.

It digged and digged further inside before it suddenly stop again, sniffing. It continued to sniff, moving forward a bit before tripping itself into the not-so-deep-hole, bumping it's own face to the ground. It sat up again, rubbing it's pink cute nose, probably hurt due to the effect of tripping.

"CUTE~~~", Jisoo chuckled happily, clapping her hands a bit only to see White rolled his eyes.

"Can we keep it, White?"


Jisoo pouted and turned to White, giving him her puppy smile before holding onto his arm, probably begging him. Doing some sorts of aegyo.


"Move. Let me kill it"


"Get off me!"

"I won't"

"What the f*ck? "

"Not until you allow me to keep it!"


"You said, that we are on a date! Let Jungkook be my present!"

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