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I'm not the type to ask for favors but it would mean SOOOOOOO much if you guys can go onto my wattpad page and look under my recent updates and click the link I have on there to vote for me to meet 5sos! I've been trying to meet them since 2013 and now I might finally be able to! so please take 30 seconds out of your day to vote for me! thanks guys I love you!!


I woke up to hearing the rain still coming down just not as hard. I was going to get up but I had arms wrapped around me.

I saw Luke sleeping next to me. "Luke. Come on lets go get something to eat." I whispered. He let me go and got up following me out of my room.

We walked down the stairs and saw all the guys playing Xbox.

"Did you guys go to sleep at all?" I asked walking past them and towards the kitchen to find 3 empty boxs of pizza.

"No. We were busy!" Louis yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"And you didn't even save me any pizza. Thanks!" I walked over to the fridge and got out a thing of spray whip cream and strawberries before going back out there and sitting next Calum.

"What time are we leaving tonight?" Ashton looked at his phone.

"We're leaving at 4:45." He said. "What time is it now?"

"2:37." I stood up and brought my food to my room and got out one of my suitcases. I didn't even know how long we were gonna be here. "Hey guys-" I stopped at the top of the stairs when I heard them talking.

"Why didn't you come back down last night?" Ashton asked Luke.

"She was scared of the storm and wanted me to stay." He replied looking at the TV.

"You do remember she has a boyfriend right?" Liam asked as Calum paused the game.

"Yeah, how could I forget him with him calling her 24/7 and not wanting me anywhere near her." He said rolling his eyes.

"Luke don't get start getting snappy. Look, Perrie was the one who decided for her to go to Austrlia with us because she knows you still like Kayla and Kayla must still like you a little bit if her mum did this for you. She wants you guys to talk." Calum said as Luke just sat there.

"I talked to her last night she still likes him." He said looking at all of them.

"I'm not getting her back she likes him, not me." He snapped. I decided this should be a good time and backed up alittle then ran down the stairs.

"Hey guys sorry if you guys were talking or something but how long are we gonna be there?" I asked.

"The rest of the time you're here. So like 3 weeks?" Michael said. My eyes went wide but then i nodded and ran back upstairs.

Luke still really really likes me. How much did I miss before that? I tried pushing away the thoughts and started packing. I heard my phone ringing on my desk. I ran over and answered it. "Hello?" I said looking through my closet.

"Hey Kayla." Wes said. I smiled.

"Hey how you been?" I put some more clothes in the suitcase.

"Fine. What are you up too." He asked I could hear a dog barking in the back. "Packing." I sighed.

"Packing? Are you coming home already?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No I'm heading to Austrlia." There was a long silence.

What Now (Sequel To Adopted By 1D) **editing soon**Where stories live. Discover now