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Kayla's P.O.V-

He wanted the truth. I can't tell him I still like him. Me and Wes might get back together and Wesley will be even more pissed then he already is. I can't do that to him. And I bet Luke doesn't even still like me.

I shook my head. "No. Me and Wes didn't break up we're just taking a break for the next month or so.." I said quietly. He nodded and got up before going back inside.

I sighed and went back inside to see everyone all laughing and talking. I went and sat down next to Liam who wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him still laughing.

I stayed quiet leaning my head on Liam's shoulder while they all talked about something I didn't know about. My phone started buzzing.


Hey girl I miss you! I haven't got to see you cuz you took off to Australia! When u coming home?

I didn't want to interrupt everyone's convo so I decided to text Zayn.

To-Dad (Zayn)

When are we going back to England?

I saw him pick up his phone and chuckled looking at me before replying.

From-Dad (Zayn)

Tomorrow, you seem quiet why aren't you talking?

I sighed and replied.

To-Dad (Zayn)

Boy troubles..


Getting on the plane tomorrow! I'll see you in 2 days!

I put away my phone and saw everyone getting up. "Where are we going?" I asked Liam.

"You must of really tuned out. We're going Go Karting." He smiled getting up and following the rest of them.

I noticed it was just me and Luke in the room. He looked at me then quickly looked down as got up following everyone else out. He looked upset/sad/mad.

Paul finally got the car to work so we all piled in and I sat in between Michael and Louis. I saw mum and Luke whispering to each other. I wanted to know what they were talking about but I couldn't hear them.

"You excited to go bungy jumping?" Louis asked and I stared at him.

"We're doing what?!" I screamed and I looked to Liam. "Liam! You told me we were going Go Karting." I said feeling nervous now.

"I knew you wouldn't come if I told you what we were really doing." Liam smiled at me before turning around and talking to Ashton.

We all got out of the car and went up to the building and went inside. It was freaking big and I already started shaking. "You're gonna be fine." Harry told me wrapping his arm around me as we walked in.

The guy helped us get the suits on and talked to us about some stuff but I wasn't really paying attention I was scared out of my mind. That's when I noticed we were getting hooked up and were at the lead of the top of the building.

I started freaking out and felt like it was getting hard to breathe. "Kayla you alright?" Calum asked me and I shook my head.

"Just nervous." I said looking down then back up at the sky. "I don't want to do this." I mumbled and Harry held my hand giving me a small squeeze.

"You'll be fine. It's actually pretty fun." He said smiling at me. Next thing I knew we jumped. It wasn't as bad as I thought but if I didn't go to the bathroom earlier I would of peed my pants.

"Wasn't that fun!" Louis yelled.

"I almost peed my pants. Scared the shit out of me." I mumbled and he smiled at me. We were all getting in the car and Luke was one of the first. I saw him sitting by the window on his phone in the back.

I quickly went and sat next to him. He saw me, rolled his eyes and went back to scrolling at his phone. I snatched it out of his hands. "Kayla give it back." He huffed out of annoyance.

"No. Not until you tell me why you won't talk to me." I said putting it in my jacket pocket.

"You want to know why? Here's why. I'm wasting my time on a 16 year old girl that I fell in love with and I still can't get over the fact that she broke up with me, went to some stupid guy that doesn't even care about her fucking feelings, broke up with her and she still likes him when I've been here the whole time liking her and she's just too blind to fucking see it." He said I opened my mouth to talk but he kept going.

"She doesn't even like me but I can't get over her. I still love her and she doesn't give a shit about my feelings so Kayla that's why I'm so fucking pissed." He shouted but only loud enough for me to hear. I stared at him shocked.

I then did something I didn't even know I would do. I kissed him. I leaned in and kissed him. He seemed startled at first but kissed me back. I finally pulled back.

"You want the truth?" I asked looking down. I looked back up to meet his eyes. "I think I'm still in love with you too."

I'm bored and I'm trying to avoid homework so I'll probably update another chapter soon lmao

What Now (Sequel To Adopted By 1D) **editing soon**Where stories live. Discover now