The Lies I Live In - Reprise

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Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting. - William Arthur Ward

Kaoru's POV

The first thing I noticed when I began to wake up was that I didn't hurt anymore and more importantly I was alone. Up until recently loneliness had been a foreign feeling to him, he'd always had Hikaru with him, but now he was the only one left in the crumbling world they'd created to separate 'them' from 'us'. The kingdom had long since been invaded and was now just a piece of land he did not recognize.

Speaking of mysterious, pieces of land – Where were you? How the heck did you get here, where was here, exactly? Try as you might you just couldn't remember, then like being hit by a freight train, you suddenly did.


I was walking through the Ouran gardens; it almost felt surreal with the absence of the usual chatter of students and the singing of birds. Winter was fast approaching, and as though to prove it, an icy wind blew through the trees, making the dead leaves shudder. An eerie feeling was rising in my gut, I immediately quashed it, there was no need to be paranoid, Ouran Academy had one of the best security systems money could buy.

Behind me I heard a twig snap.

My heart rate skyrocketed, as I swung around to identify the source of the noise. My eyes immediately zoned in on Kyouya-sempai, the host clubs' resident Shadow King.

"Oh, sempai it's only you.", my voice took on an irritated tone, "Geez, didn't anyone teach you not to sneak up on people? You about gave me a heart attack."

A laugh was born in my chest, raised in my throat and killed on my lips, when I saw the look on Kyouya's face.

His usually ivory complexion was splattered with blotchy red splashes, as though he'd been fighting with a paintbrush and lost. His eyes – oh heavens, his eyes, they were bloodshot and held a look that bordered on insane; a feral grin was slowly stretching across his face.

The beginnings of fear were slowly creeping up my spine, turning my blood cold and setting my senses into overdrive.

Kyouya let out an inhuman shriek as he lunged towards me, a large hunting knife suddenly clutched in his fist. Time seemed to stop as my mind tried to process what was happening. Kyouya was going to murder me and the truth of it was like a slap to the face. I definitely wasn't strong or agile enough to stop this…should I just let him kill me?

The knife had gone in so cleanly and I was so absorbed in my thoughts, that I didn't even register the pain at first. It wasn't until; he pulled the blade out and began to repeatedly stab me in the chest that the waves of agony finally started lapping up my body.

The pain was white-hot and blinding – I felt like I was drowning. Blood was pouring out of the gashes at an alarmingly fast rate; instinct began to take over, my body moved on its own accord. Squirming, I tried to escape the torture, but as I was suffering from major blood loss, the attempt was in vain. Finally, I just decided to lay there and hope that it would be over soon.

It felt like hours before I felt the second year move away and turn the knife on himself. He was mumbling nonsense under his breath, "Why? Light-Angels-Together….What did I just do!", Kyouya was hissing the words out at this point.

I watched through half-lidded eyes, as Kyouya closed his eyes and breathed deeply; without warning he plunged his hand down, and lodged the knife in his left lung.

I closed my eyes and was giving into the bliss of the enclosing darkness, when I heard a whisper that disappeared like the wind, "I'm so sorry…"

If Kyouya was sorry, than maybe I could find it in me to forgive him.


3rd Person POV

The never-ending space was suddenly filled with the presence of another, one that was warm and familiar. I turned, although this time I felt no fear. Kyouya was standing there blinking sleepily at me as though he'd just woken from a deep sleep and couldn't quite remember where he was or how he had gotten there, moment's later understanding filled the Demon Lord's orbs and he raced in my direction.

"Kaoru, I'm so sorry-", he was cut off by the devilish twin wrapping his arms around his sempai's slender frame and hugged him tight. Breathlessly he replied, "I know you are. I missed having you with me, what took so long?"

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