A Boring Story That I Also Wrote Pt 1

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So, another story by me entirely, yes unfortunately it is based on the demi-gods of camp, and there will be a lot of solangelo in it, towards the end my brain turned to mush and i ended up writing some really crappy cringey stuff so i deleted it for you ''yaaaaayyy...'' i kept some of the cringey stuff in there that wasn't so cringey at the end but it's just a snippet of how cringey and un-characteristic i make these poor demigods xD

I screamed through the wind, 'GO, TELL THEM TO GO!!!'

But it was too late. They got caught, and I fell into a light.

I woke up in a white room, with concerned people staring at me, and a needle plastered in my wrist.

I smelt the air. Hospital. I hated hospitals. The people were all so overprotective and what's more, most people knew me here too. I was accident prone, always falling and bashing myself in some way or another.

Also, my 'significant other' is a trainee here, he is a son of Apollo, a healer at camp, and he chose today, to come and get his first taste of a real hospital.

Unfortunately for me however, he got to choose where he went about the place, and guess what? He couldn't miss the chance to stay with me.

'Will!' I groaned hoarsely as he stroked my dark, messy hair, looking dearly down at me.

'Oh you're awake!' he grinned.

Dork, I thought, always going around like he was the most fabulous person ever to be alive on this earth, well... I guess he isn't as bad as Apollo, you should hear his haikus... gods they were enough to make me want to shadow travel to china again.

'Yeah, and?' I said in defiance.

'No need to be so grumpy, mister' he leaned over to kiss me on the forehead when a nurse came in,

'Oh, sorry to interrupt you two, but ah, we need to do another test on Nico, please' she announced as Will sat back suddenly, embarrassed at the thought of someone seeing him almost kiss me.

'Uh, yeah sure' Will got up from my bed.

'Will don't go' I said, holding his hand as he looked down at me.

The nurse came over and broke us apart, 'No, it is not good to have others in the same room whilst testing' she smiled at me.

I glared at her and then looked back at Will, 'But it's only a few needles in me-'

'Nico', Will cut me off with a gentle glare my way.

I huffed and watched as the nurse guided Will out of the room, her hand around his waist.

Erm, excuse me? Are you crushing on my boyfriend you little twat? I thought as she came back into the room.

'So, this will only take a minute, I have told your... friend that he can stay outside or he can wonder around other places if he wants to' she said the word friend as it where an unknown bit of metal, worth more than it looked like.

A few minutes later, after being told to look out of a window multiple times while the nurse stabbed me with a needle, I got told I could leave.


I got up of my hospital bed and thanked the nurse, then opened the door and walked out... to see Will trying ever so hard to avoid a terribly flirtatious girl, around the same age as himself and me.

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