Thnx for the memories

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I woke up to. Brittany's Justin Bieber alarm clock. God I hate preps. I decided to get up and get ready. I walked to my closet and looked through my clothes. I picked out my blood on the dance floor shirt, my fav ripped skinnys, bracelets,my.   batman choker, combat boots, my leather vest. I then straightened my hair and teased it. Then  I put ok n my usual makeup.
I hated the orphanage but o don't have my parents. I guess they just didn't want me. But the orphanage was okay but they only helped the ones who they thought could make something up out of ourselves. but they left me alone they new no one would want me. My only friend at the orphanage was Byran. We were both 18 and loved bands and heavy metal, punk rock, screamo. We loved all the rock music but our favorite band was bvb. they just got started a year ago but me and Bryan loved them. Be I was worried today I heard the head of the orphanage talking about someone looking for a boy between the ages of 13 to 18.  I wished him good luck but I secretly hoped they wouldn't pick him. He was my only friend. As selfish as that sounds it's isn't we have life plans together we want to start a band with me as lead singer him on the guitar and we. Recrute more people to make the band of 5 we wanted. We only have one more year till we graduate high school.

So how was it? This fanfic was a request from XXXshadowsdieXXX really hope you people like it so far. I will be updating this story again tomorrow. And tomorrows chapter will have Bryan's POV in it love all you nameless potatoes

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