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Adam's POV

It was July 9th, and we had 5 more days until the big day.

"Pack your bags, Eva!" I yelled out.

She came out from the art and music room we had in our house and looked at me confused.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"You'll know when we get there." I smirked.

She packed her bags slowly, not knowing what to bring to a place she thinks she doesn't know.

"C'mon! We are gonna lose our flight!" I announced.

"Well if you told me where we are going then I would've picked out my clothes much faster."

"Just don't bring winter clothing." I advised.

"There we go. That really helps."

A couple minutes ran by and I was so excited that I couldn't help tapping my foot.

"I'm all set." She said.

"Alright then, let's go!"

I put our bags in the trunk of the cab, and we headed to the airport.

It was early in the morning, and Eva wasn't a morning person like I was, but I transformed her to like the mornings. She gave in and is now a happy morning creature.

We got into the jet that she loved so much 4 years ago. As she saw it, she smiled and you can tell that she was trying really hard not to get out of control with her enthusiasm. I didn't blame her though. I was excited as well.

She sat by the window, excited to see the place she loved so dearly. We talked about the memories we had the last time we were there. She shed a tear and quickly wiped it away.

"This is going to be amazing." Was her final words before we landed.

She was so excited that when we landed, she grabbed my bicep and help on to it so tight. She can be so mature, but she still has her childlike ways, which makes it fun being around her. She always grabbed my bicep instead of my hand, which is interesting. One time I asked her, and she said that she would do that a lot because she feels safe. She always did that with her dad when she was younger.

Then she go of my bicep and went down to my hand. Her hand was so cold. She gets like that when she is nervous, scared or excited. I hope she was excited. I got our bags but Eva wanted to carry some.

"Adam, this is going to be so fun and I'm going to see my favorite people again and oh my god this is legendary!" She would say rapidly every second.

Then we saw the same boy, who was now an official adult, holding a sign.

Eva's eyes widened and ran toward him. She gave him a big hug and tears were running down her face.

Dylan grabbed the bags from me.

"My name is Dylan and I'll be your chauffeur for as long you two will be staying." He introduced himself once more in perfect English.

Eva and I both smiled at him.

"Oh how I miss your witty self." Eva said.

Soon, he guided us to the car and they were talking the whole time, making me feel a bit like a third wheel, but then Eva noticed and put my arm around her shoulder, and she placed her arm around my waist. She always knows what to do.

We got into the car and Eva and I talked during the time we were in the car. Laughing was a big thing in the car.

"Hey, knock knock?" She said.

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