Chapter 1

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"Man up!"

Two words. Still they managed to affect me more than any number of profanities could do. I tightly held my bag to my chest as the boys around me continued to throw whatever food and drinks they had on my pink sweatshirt.

"You are such a girl. Why are you even in this school?" A blonde guy snarled at me, making all the other boys around him holler in laughter.

Another bulky guy stepped forward and threw a chocolate smoothie over my attire. I didn't even flinch. I was used to this routine, used to what they called as a 'punishment' for being myself. For not rising up to their standards.

A shaky breath left my mouth and I asked, to no one in particular,"Why are you doing this?" My voice was an almost inaudible whisper.

I won't cry. I won't give them the satisfaction.

A hand slapped me on the back, too roughly for what is considered as friendly and I stumbled forward. "We are just trying to help you, buddy. Trying to teach you how to not act like a girl,"The blonde laughed loudly, high-fiving his friends as if he had achieved something.

And maybe he had.

He had managed to break me.

All over again.



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