Chapter 11

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(Imporant authors note at end! enjoyy!)

"Carter!?" ........

When he doesnt respond I know somethings wrong.

I bang on the door and theres no response. 

Shit. He would lock the door.

I take out one bobby pin from my hair and quickly pick the lock.

And the sight makes me break into the tears.

Carters laying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood.

"Oh my god!" I scream.

I rush to his side and try to smack him out of it.

How could a nose bleed lead to this?

"Carter please" I shake him.


I take my phone out and call 911.

Craddling Carter in my arms not caring if theres blood on me, crying my eyes out waiting for them to show up.

Why is the only question in my head.


 Ive been in the waiting room for over an hour. Im worried sick!

Ive been non-stop crying, shaking, panting, overthinking. And the worst part is I dont even have an answer for the note on his table.

 "Ashley Jerald?"

 "YES?" I yelled by mistake.

"Right this way ma'am."

I follow the nurse that leads me to the room Carters in.

When we reach the door I see Carter laying with millions of tubes connected to his body.

Tears stream down my face.

"He's still unconcious, but he'll be fine in the morning." The nurse told me.

I ignore her and take out the note from my pocket.

I hold the note in front of the nurses face.

"What is this?" 

"Carter has Internional Exquadirina, you didnt know?'"

"No.. what is that?"

"Arent you his girlfriend?" She asked.

"N-no, s-sorta, not really." I stutter badly.

"Well you guys can talk about it.. Ill be leaving now."


And shes gone.


What the fuck is Internional Exquadirina?

Ive never heard of that ever! Why wouldnt he tell me? Is it bad? 

All these unanswered questions are really annoying.

I lay next to Carter on the hospital bed and fall asleep watching out for his wire things attached to him.

What a stressful day.


"Excuse me miss?" I hear in my ear waking me up.

"Yeah?" I completely wake up.

"Its morning and visiting hours dont open up until 9 a.m and its 8" She says.

"Um, okay." I say and leave the room looking back at sleeping Carter.

I think i'll just leave the hosptial so I can shower and change because sitting there mourning isnt helping me. 

I get home and hop right in the shower hoping it will re-fresh me.

Its only been a couple weeks since I first met Carter and it feels way longer than that. I dont like relationships and everyone I know knows that. But Carters different. Theres something about him that makes my stomach flutter when he looks at me. That makes my heart race with every touch. And I finally truly accepted the fact that I fell, and I fell hard for that boy. And I hope theres nothing wrong with him.

I get out the shower and change into black yoga pants and a white muscle tee since its hot outside. 

I throw on a pair of red vans and head out the door to go back to the hospital.

Once I get there, I rush in and go right into his room since its 9 now.

Hes awake.

"Ashley I-I Im-" He starts but I interrupt.

"Why didnt you tell me?" 

"Im sorry I didnt want you to find out like this." He begins to cry.

Oh my god.

"Dont be, its okay believe me." I rush over to him and wrap my arms around his weak body.

"I should of told you but I didnt want you to look at me differently.. I know I wanted to be with you from the beginning but if you knew you wouldnt of called me that night." he explains and tears are already coming down.

"Carter, I would never look at you differently. I fell for you because your yourself and your personalilty and funniness are your best traits! And not to mention that adorable face of yours."

He laughs a little.

"Thank you."

"Now can you tell me what Internional Exquadirina is?" I ask and his face turns pale again.

"Its a rare form a cancer that causes internal bleeding." He looks away and I break down crying.

My knees fall to the floor and my head drops to them.

Ive never cried so much in my life.

Carter has cancer.




~OMG me and the other author were literally crying while writing this! But yes, carter has a rare form of cancer but instead of making it something basic we made up a fake name for it so use your imagination! And if you havent realized we changed the name to 'Devotion' because it fits the story way better and its a synonym for love so we liked it! but VOTE||COMMENT love you guys~ 

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