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Daniels body had rested at jaes that night while little Danny was surprised to see Jae come into the store at about two in the morning. He placed a pack of mints and a energy drink on the table then looked down and smiled. "Uhh—-" Daniel has to admit it was strange to see someone who had just given him a blow job. He then Realized jay was buying mints and laughed. He rung up the items and looked up at Jae. May as well mess with him. "Do you know where Daniel is? He never came back from school" jay turned red and nodded. "Ok, just wanted to know he was safe" Jae nodded and gave him a 10 dollar bill. Daniels night was boring besides that, a few drinks and a old lady but nothing unordinary.

Jay woke up at 2 in the morning and found himself in his lovers arms. There legs were tangled and Daniel had his arm around his shoulder. He slowly sat up and looked around the room. Littering the floor were clothes and he started to remember what had happened. He held his hand up to his mouth and smelt his breath. Yea, that's not gonna work. He made his way around the room and picked up the clothes. He then put them in the washer and turned them on silent. After brushing his teeth his breath still wasn't rid of the smell so he pulled on some new jeans and a sweat shirt, he put on some slides and slowly made his way out of the apartment. Careful to not make any sound.

He entered the store and picked up some mints then got an energy drink for the morning and set them on the counter. He smiled down at Danny as he rung it up. The dude started laughing and his smile faded. "Do you know where Daniel is? He never came back from school" shit. Jae nodded his head and felt a blush rise in his cheeks. "Ok, just wanted to know he was safe" Jae handed him 10 dollars and picked the stuff up then started walking back towards his apartment.

He got there and set the drink on the counter then took a mint, got undressed and put sweat pants on the. Slide back into bed. The boy shifted but stay asleep so Jae slowly fell back asleep.

Time skip 4 hours.

Jae was awoken by a rustle of sheets next to him. He opened his eyes to find Daniel laying awake. He was looking around at the ground. He glanced at Jae and smiled. "Uh... where are my clothes exactly?" Jae hopped out of bed and took them out of the dryer. He handed them to the boy and pulled his own uniform out. They both dressed in silence until Daniel finally spoke. "So uh... what are we?" Jae shrugged and pulled his shoes on. "What ever you want babe" he mumbled. Walking over to his desk, he picked up one of the mints and popped one in his mouth. "Friends? Friends with Benefits? Boyfriends?" Jae nodded at the last one. "So we're , boyfriends? Okay." They both smiled and made their way to the living room. Jae made some toast and gave a slice to Daniel. "Thanks" He said. Jae nodded and grabbed his motorcycle helmet and his keys off the counter. He shrugged on his bag and handed Daniel his. They finished their toast on the way down and jay handed Daniel the helmet.

Pulling up to school, there were a lot of people whispering. Why are they together? Did Daniel just kiss Jae's neck? Is that a hicky on Daniel? (A/n so according to my phone. Hicky is not a word. It keeps correcting to hockey. Helpz mes plz) the two boys held hand on the way to class and ignored everyone else. When they got to class they sat next to each-other. "Daniel. Did you fix the problem last night?" Mira asked. Daniel glanced at Jae and nodded smugly. "Yo, everyone is saying you showed up- holy shit is that a hicky?" Zoe said. Daniels eyes grew wide and he pulled out his phone. He checked his appearance and sure enough, high on his neck sat a red and purple hicky, joined by a pink bite mark under it. "God dammit, really? Does anyone have any makeup I could cover this with?" Daniel said while glaring at jay. "Whoa dude. Did jay give you that? You keep looking at him and you two disappeared last night." Zach chimes in. "Jesus, does anyone have makeup?" Mira pulled out a small container of s flesh colored paste and held it up to him (okay I know how makeup works. But Daniel would be clueless). He furrowed his browns at it but uncapped it. "Thanks" He cautiously dipped his finger in and poked his neck. Jae laughed and took the bottle from him. He dipped his finger in and spread it evenly over the odd colored flesh. "Your lucky I love you" Daniel mumbled. Jae handes the container back to Mira and every store at the blond boy. "Holy shit. You two fucked" some random chick said. Daniel and Jae turned bright red. "N-no we d-didn't" Daniel stuttered out. The girl looked angry. "DANIEL AND JAE FUCKED!" She yelled.

The classroom went quite and everyone store at the two boys. "Sit in your groups class. You'll have the period to work on your protects." The four of them sat in a square of four seats and turned them to face the center.

"Me and Jae are going out now." (I just had the thought. Jay would totally be Daniels sugar daddy) "oh! Cool! You two seem like a great couple" Mira exclaimed.

Time skip 2 hours

The teacher excused them to lunch and every quickly made their way to the cafeteria. Daniel had duke sit with them and they spent the half hour 'talking' about his new rap. Jae nodded along and held Daniels hand the whole time. "Eww! Daniel are you really a fagot?" A random girl scram. "I've been out for a week. Yes I'm gay" he said back calmly and went back to talking with duke.
[im now realizing I've been writing Jae and not jay......... whoopsie?]
Jay tapped Daniels shoulder and pointed to the hallway. "Oh. You gotta use the bathroom. Okay we'll be here" jay nodded and made his way to the restroom. His hands felt empty without his boyfriends. Jay finished his business and was about to unlock the stall when he heard someone speak. "We should beat Daniel parks ass. He has the guts to steal all the girls then be gay!!! That's crossing a line. Let's meet him after school and beat him there" jays hand fell from the lock and he leaned his ear against he door. "Besides. He's a faggot so it's not like it will matter" another spoke. Jays fists clenched and he opened the door. "Who are you!" One scrame. There were 8 boys and each looked rather weak. "He's that fags boyfriend!" Another said. "I'm gonna beat your ass kid" one walked towards him threatening him by punching his open palm and jay backed back into the stall. The guy through a punch and missed him by an inch.


Jay had been in the bathroom for about 15 minutes and Daniel was worried sick. "Heya duke. I'm gonna go check on jay" he said and without waiting for a response he stood and made his way there. He turned the corner and was shocked to see jay pushed up against the wall by a police officer. His hands were behind his back in cuffs and his knuckles were covered in blood. He was sporting a bloody nose and his eye was turning purple. "Sir Your gonna have to clear this hallway" another officer said to Daniel. "What are you doing to my boyfriend?"He asked, clearly worried.

Jay was loaded into a police car and they drove off towards the station. Daniel watched as the car turned the corner and went out of sight. The rest of the day he kept glancing at jays seat expecting to see him. Only to see the open window and jays school bag. By the time the bell rung Daniel had accomplished nothing and ignored everyone asking what had happened to the blond.

[ahhhhh it currently 2:50 am and I can't sleep. I have school tomarrow but fuck it. This chapter is not edited seen as I don't have an editor and I'm to lazy so here's some raw stuff.
Please leave a vote. Like seriously I only have one vote and I can tell who reads this.......... I'm looking at you.

Bye babes.

Word count: 1476

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