running away

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Robin could see that she was not well at all, it was not the strong woman he saw when she fought against Zelena, it was another woman. A broken one who thought  that she finally could once again enjoy the happiness of a new love with her true love , the man with the lion tattoo , Robin . Tinkerbell told her : fairy dust never lies , Robin is his true love , they should be together . However , the return of Marianne had upset everything, nothing was gained. Maybe what Rumpelstiltskin said was right, villains don't get Happy Ending ... 

The day before, Henry went at Regina's house after seeing what happened between his two mothers. He had already lost his father, he didn't want Regina to do something stupid , she has so much changed , he did not want all her efforts falling down and return to the evil side. He spent part of the night to comfort her. He knew that he was the only one who could comfort her.

Robin sat in front of her. He didn't dare to say a word , he was just watching her tears still flowing and even on the face of the woman he loves . Then he tried an approach to Regina. He began to talk to her but she did not even seem to hear the words Robin was saying. But it was just was she wanted him to think . She recorded every word she heard, fixed in his memory all the looks he threw her , and wondered what she could have done to the world to  suffer once again because of the lost of the man that she loves most in the world . She has learned from his mistakes after Daniel's death , she would not make the same mistakes with Robin, if she went back toward dark magic, she knew that Henry would be angry with her forever. However, when Robin took her hand , she could not stop crying even more and in the deepest silence, pull her hand out of Robin's one and run away from Granny's dinner.

Emma came down from her room , her eyes were full of stars after the breakfast she shared with Killian . She walked up to her father who was still leaning on the bar when she saw Regina running away. Robin wanted to follow her, but Emma dissuaded him by saying she would go after her. She left the restaurant and run after Regina to talk to her.

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