Song Lyrics and Broken Hearts (BxB)

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As I was walking through the hallway of the school I could hear girls talking about how a celebrity would be coming to school with us. Why would someone famous come here? 

I shrugged me shoulders and went on my way. 

"KAGE!!!" I heard someone yell and the next moment I was tacked by my little sister Katie. "Ow," I groaned as she got off of me. "What was that for?"

"Did you here the news!?"

"What news?"

"The celebrity that will be going school to us is Slade."

"That guy that you have been fangirling over for the past few months."

"The very same. Maybe he will be looking for a girlfriend."

"Good luck with that Kate," I sighed as I stood. I patter her head and walked onto the roof to do some sketching. 

As I walked outside I found a guy sitting on the swing the bird watching club had sat up. He had his head down and he was strumming a guitar. The music that flowed from his instrument was a sad melody that made my heart ache. 

He stopped playing and looked up and that's when I realized who he was. This was the guy Katie was geeked out over, the one named Slade. 

"Oh I didn't know anyone else came up here during school hours," he sighed putting his guitar into its case. 

"No one really does. I come here on my free period sometimes to sketch."

"I'm Gabriel Slade. "

"Kage Collins."

He smiled and held out a hand to me. "Nice to meet you,"

I shook his hand and smiled some. "You too."

Maybe he isn't a total ass hole like I had first thought. 

Song Lyrics and Broken Hearts (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now