Chapter 4

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Mer left the room and called Dr Shepherd, my old friend from my childhood.

Knock knock...

- Come in

He opened the door

- Hey Em

- Hey Derek

- How are you feeling?

- All things consider, I'm fine

Laughter filled the room

- I'm glad you're feeling better

- Thanks for asking. Mer definitely saved my life and my girls, I'm really thankful.

- Em she is grateful that you're alive and that everything turned out the best way possible.

- She's great Derek. When are you guys getting married? Like really married not on a post-it note.

- Well we are thinking on maybe 2 months; and of course you are invited.

- Thanks Derek

- Wait a minute - Said Mer

- She is more than just invited, you'll be one of my bridesmaids

- Are you serious Mer? Really?

- Yes Emily. I would love to have you there as my bridesmaid

- It's an honor Meredith. Thank you so much!

And we hugged. It was great the one of my oldest friend's fiance wanted me as her bridesmaid.

- Well this is great. My oldest friend is my fiance's bridesmaid - Said Derek, enthusiastic.

- And I have a great idea. Derek could be my groomsman - Said Derek Shepherd

- He would love too, let me call him.

So I told a nurse to tell him to come.

- Hey Em, you alright?

- Yes I'm great hun. Derek has something to tell you.

So he turned and faced Derek Shepherd

- Derek I would like you to be my groomsman  in my wedding since Emily is going to be one of the bridesmaids.

- It would be an honor Derek. Thank you!

- My pleasure. I hope to see you two at our wedding.

- We will definitely be there D.

- Okay we need to go now, trauma just came in. Get better Em! - said Meredith

- Thanks Mer. Bye guys

- Bye!

I was super excited that Meredith considered me to be one of her bridesmaids in her wedding, and I could tell Derek was excited too.

- It's great that your friend Derek took us into account in their wedding.

- Yeah it's great. I hope they are really happy!

- They will be I'm sure, just like us...

- Just like us...

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