Chapter 11: Keack

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The water tastes good, it's refreshing in my dry mouth. I look over at Jailee who kisses Hireo on the cheek.

What was that!? All he did was purify the water. It's not a big deal, anyone can purify water!

I feel anger burning up inside me. Of coarse it's a big deal. We needed that water. It's been days since we had drank any water.

She didn't need to kiss him though. It was unnecessary. It was selfish. It was an act of affection and affection is not what we need right now.

I notice that I'm staring at them with envy and quickly look away. I go back to splashing water on my face.

Herio walks over to me and sits down, "Better hurry up, or she might move on."

I look up at him confused, "What the heck are you talking about?"

He grins, "Do I have to spell it out for you. Cause I will."

"I really don't know what you're talking about." I roll my eyes and look back down at the water. Maybe I am catching onto what he's saying. He's discovered something that I have buried inside my mind very well. Something that Jailee hasn't even figured out.

"Come on Keack. you know what I'm talking about! You better make your move soon." With that he walks away. He knew he didn't have to say anything more. In fact, that was just enough to get me thinking.

I've shoved my feelings aside for the sake of Jailee, if she knew just how much I cared for her, things wouldn't be the same. If I wait much longer, Hireo will become a threat, he likes her, I know he does because I see it in his eyes.


The sun is setting, the air is warm, everything seems just right, other than the grumbling in my stomach. If I had food and shelter I would stay out here for the rest of my life. I would be free from society, I would be free to do whatever I want.

Jailee sits alone near the water with Hireo a little bit father down talking to Arrow and Iris. I keep glancing up at Jailee. Finally, I decide to go talk to her, "Hey... can we talk?"

Those three words were the hardest words I've ever said in my life. I forced them out and once I did, I started to regret walking over at all.

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