Chapter 22: Jailee

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"Are you absolutely sure you're okay?" Hireo was looking at me with concerned eyes. I had woken up in a room full of fancy interior designing. Hireo had been sitting on the ground net to the couch I was in.

"I'm fine." It was a lie, I feel like crap, my head hurts and my stomach feels like its been tossed around and upside down.

"You're lying, tell me the truth." He shook his head, not believing me. His eyes were still filled with fear and worry.

Avoiding the conversation I look around examining the room carefully, locking my eyes on the black uniform that Hireo was wearing. It's different than his previous uniform, it looks brand new. I've seen that kind of style before. It's what all the high ranking officials wear, only a few wear this uniform because of how difficult it is to get that high up in the society, I was one of the few. Hireo isn't one of the highest rankings though, "What's up with the uniform?"

It's a black short sleeve shirt with black pants. The pin on his left side shows high ranking and respect, along with any other badges of honor, bravery, and strength.

"Oh yeah. We have been accepted as high ranking officials. which means all of this." Hireo pauses looking around the room, "Not that I want all this. I would much rather be free." He manages to make a weak effort of a smile.

"You would choose this over your only family left!?" I gesture my hand around the room, "You would choose to, instead of fight for freedom, go back to the way things used to be? All that mistreatment and the controlling of our minds, the games they would play with our heads, you want to go back to that?" Tears start to form in my eyes as I think about how unfairly everyone in the society is treated.

"This time we won't have to be mistreated or ordered around, we are now the ones to give others the commands. You and I could be happy, we could live the life you would never have without me. It's so much better this way."

"It's funny how I didn't hear one single word about Keack, or Iris, or Arrow." I pause for a moment as he rolls his eyes, "I want them all to be happy. I don't want us to forget about the people we love. I couldn't fathom what-"

"And how can they be happy when they are dead!!! This is something we are going to have to accept! As soon as we get back to the society they will be killed and we are going to be under close watch. We have to move on and forget about all of this nonsense that happened these past few weeks!"

I'm completely shocked to hear what is coming out of his mouth. Does he really support what the society believes? What happened to him?

"No! This isn't right! I'm not going to be part of this! I'm not going to sit back and be part of the society again!"

"Jailee, I'm doing this to protect both of us, please listen!" Hireo pleads with me. He finally pulls out a piece of paper and starts writing:

The room is bugged. They can hear everything we say. I'm just faking. We need to act like we are ready to be part of the society again. Even around Keack and the others. I'm sorry we got into this horrible mess. soon enough we will be free again.

I nod my head, "I need time to think, I don't know what to believe anymore." I make myself sound as convincing as possible. I'm relieved that nothing has really happened to Hireo, he still wants to get out of this as much as the rest of us do.

I slowly stand up, carefully, as my head spins. I walk to the other side of the room, Hireo follows behind me to make sure I'm okay.

I grab the shirt and pants and head to the bathroom, gaining back my balance.

Once I finish putting on the dry clothes I walk out fixing the wrinkles, "How do I look?"

Hireo turns around from a table, "You look amazing but you don't need me to tell you that."

"Thanks!" I take a deep breath in. Everything is coming so quickly.

As if all this wasn't enough already, Hireo cuts into my thoughts, "General Hock believes that, after all of our tests and examinations, we would be a good match." Hireo pauses and takes a deep breath, "He wants us to be a match, he says we will be wed very soon."

"The general cannot make that decision, the government must make that decision." My voice is frantic as I try to find a way out of this.

"The general requested for the government to review our results. They have already approved our match." He says in a sorry voice.

I wring my fingers in and out, my hands start to sweat, my head starts to spin again. I want to blurt out that we wont have to marry because Hireo's plan will work and we will be free before any of this ever happens. I keep my mouth shut because if I don't there would be no chance of escape.

Instead of freaking out I keep playing my part in the society, "Then we shall be wed as soon as possible."

Hireo and I look at each other, neither of us having to say anything since we both know what the other is thinking. No matter how long it takes to get out of the society, we all have a great deal of hardship and pain to suffer. Especially Keack.

Keack Iden, our lives are changing so rapidly, I still haven't gotten all my questions answered.

What are you thinking?

What are we going to do?

How are we going to escape the society?

Would you give your life for me?

Do you still love me?

Keack Iden, even though I have known you better than anyone else has I still know you're hiding behind a mask. So my original question still remains, Who really are you?

Will I ever be able to find out?

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