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" Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - Martin Luther King

Darkness. It was like a blade. It would come slicing through ones heart, in hopes that it can contaminate it. Some struggled, trying to break themselves free. Others embraced the darkness with open arms.

Two paths. Each leading to a very different fate.

There was no doubt darkness thrived in the world of Pokemon. Although you cannot see the darkness within, you definately felt it.

Many times had evil spread throughout the many regions, but it was always stopped.

A time of peace would come rushing in, engulfing the regions as they rejoyced. But they didn't realise that deep down, the darkness still lurked inside.

They didn't know that one would rise above, and create the most darkest of times...


The Pokemon League. Once somebody heard those words, they would, most likey, go into a fit of excitment. Every year, people would celebrate the Pokemon League. Of course, to some, watching Pokemon Trainers attempt to win the league got a bit boring after a while, but to most, it was their favourite time of year (excluding Christmas, that is.).

It was finally time for the league to start up again, and trainers from Johto all the way through to Alola were flocking to Kanto, where the league was being held. Every year the league was held in a different region. It was considered an honor to host the league.

The Kanto region, for the most part, was seen as one of the safest regions. The traces of Team Rocket even operating there were faint, and sure every once in a while a certain member from the now disbanded team would not get the message and decide to invade a gym or store but they never got away with it.

And the fact that Team Rocket were no longer operating in Kanto was all thanks to a certain trainer...

Red swallowed a lump in his throat. Every single darn year he was expected to take part in the league in Kanto's name and kick ass. Well, more specifically, order his Pokemon to either burn or parylize a couple of Rattata's or whatever a trainer sent out to battle him.

Running a hand through his dark hair, he tried to calm himself. It was just the Pokemon league. Heck, he was nineteen now. He could easily beat the youngsters claiming to be the very best (like no one ever was).

He felt a sudden weight on his shoulder, and turning his head slightly, he simpered at the sight of his pikachu. The small electric mouse sneezed, cocking its head to the side. Red found himself chuckling at pikachu's actions, and petted the mouse - like pokemon's head.


Red pivoted, only to let out a small groan. Brilliant, just brilliant.

"Huh? Not happy to see your old rival Blue? Ah, that's annoying. I was going to challenge you to a battle." Blue grinned.

"Leave him alone Blue. You know how hard it is for him. He's expected to win the league this year. It's putting a lot of pressure on him." A second, female voice joined Blue's, however the voice seemed to be filled with more respect than cockiness.

"Yeah, whatever Leaf." Blue shoved his hands into his pockets, furrowing his brow. "Still silent as ever, eh Red?"

Red glared at Blue, clenching his fists. He has had to deal with Blue ever since the two became rivals nine years ago, and Blue is simply showing no signs of stopping the whole "Ha! I'm you're rival and one step ahead of you! Let's battle everytime we run into each other!" thing.

Pokémon Darkest HourWhere stories live. Discover now