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Gwen (Gwendolyn) Baum belongs to Manimatsu. Thanks so much for allowing me to use her! ^u^

"Honestly, if I'm telling you anything Samuel it's that choosing to host the Pokémon League here of all places is ridiculous! Maybe we should pack up and head to Hoenn! It's much safer there anyways!"

Professor Oak had always trusted his fellow partners in Pokémon research. The other regional professors he also trusted dearly. Well, he used to at least. One was beginning to stand out from the rest, and had different reasons for conducting research.

The regional professors were usually the ones to decide on where the Pokémon League was to be held that year, and everybody would be happy with the choice of where the Pokémon League were to be held. But not Professor Alba from the Hoenn region.

Now, Professor Alba was a peculiar man to say the least. He was once Professor Birch's top assistant, and there was no denying that Alba was somewhat jealous of Birch.

A change of events, however, landed Professor Alba the role of the regional Pokémon Professor of Hoenn. You see, Professor Birch was, well, deceased.

Nobody spoke of who or what killed Professor Birch. It remained a mystery to those outside of Hoenn, excluding the other regional Pokémon Professors.

Professor Alba was a fairly tall man, who looked like he was in his early 40s. He had dark rich auburn hair, which framed his firm chiselled face almost perfectly. He had seaweed green eyes, which always seemed to glint with either arrogance or hatred. He had a fairly light stubble as well. He was usually seen donning a dark shirt of some sorts, along with beige pants and polished black shoes. A signature white lad coat always finished off his look.

"Calm down, Silas." Professor Oak held up one of his hands, frowning at the younger professor. "There is no need for you to worry. Looker has the security under control."

Alba scowled, and started pace up and down in Oak's office, his hands behind his back. "Something feels off." He stated. "And if I do discover that something is happening here in Kanto which only a particular few know about, I'd be sending everything and everybody to Hoenn and will be continuing the Pokémon League there."

"Silas you have just as much control over what happens as the rest and I have!" Oak slammed his fist against his desk, trying to contain the noticeable anger growing inside.

"What if tragedy strikes, Samuel?! Are we just going to sit around and watch as everything dissolves into chaos?!" Alba roared. "I'm telling you now, the decision of hosting the league here of all places is like a death sentence!"

Oak clicked his tongue at Alba's actions. "You've changed since you were Adam's assistant, Silas."

"Adam Birch has been dead for nearly two years now, Samuel. A lot can change in that time space." Alba uttered, his tone chilling and harsh.

"You envied him, didn't you?"

Something close to a growl escaped from Alba's throat, as if the mention of his relationship with Professor Birch was forbidden.

"Don't deny it Silas. I know a lot more than you think."

"No you-!"

Alba was cut off by the chime of an elevator. The doors parted, revealing a teenager around the age of eighteen. He had dark hair, along with bright cerulean eyes. He was donning a blood red t-shirt along with slate gray biking shorts and jet black sneakers. A white knit hat finished off his look.

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