Chapter Fifteen

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 Kobra sat alone on the steps outside. The sun had risen, just like it did every morning, but this morning felt different. It was different.

 She wondered if she had actually broken the curse herself, as Tommy said she had. All she did, she felt, was tell him not to drink it. She thought he was the real reason the curse was broken; he was the one who figured out everything and got her to break it. She hadn't said so, but she was actually impressed with the way he'd planned everything out so well.

 "Princess Kobra?"

 Kobra turned around and looked up. Tommy was standing at the top of the steps.

 "Can I join you?" he asked.

 She gave a nod. "Yes. Yes, do join me." 

 He sat down to her. "Are you all right? You seemed rather shaken after last night."

 "Did I? I'm fine now, thank you. What about you? My father seemed a bit impressed with you."

 "I think he was. I suppose he hadn't thought the man to discover the mystery of the worn-out shoes would be a man from a countryside so far away from here. How are your sisters? Do you think they'll have any trouble finding husbands after this?"

 "Oh, I don't think so," she replied. "All they have to do is act all innocent and sweet and pretend they never realized what they were doing. They'll all find someone." 

 "It sounds like they will. What about you, Princess?"

 "I think...I know who I would like to marry," she said. "And I believe if he knew, he would agree."

 "Well, that is a coincidence, then," said Tommy, "Because I thinking the exact same thing about anyone. Oh, come on, Princess, if we're going to get married, I think we really should get to know each other."

 Kobra looked up at him and smiled. "I suppose we should, shouldn't we? What do you say to a morning stroll?"


 When Tommy went to look for Roy that afternoon, the gardener smiled when he saw him and said, "I already heard. And I think I already know who you're marrying, so congratulations. You really did it."

 Tommy nodded. "It's a little difficult to believe, but Princess Kobra really is quite fond of me, and I'm fond of her."

 "Then I suppose you're going to be Prince Tommy, and I'm going to have to call you Your Highness."

 "Probably, but you're always going to be my friend, Roy," Tommy said. "I can probably find you a better job."

 "You don't need to find me another job," Roy replied. "I like it here. But I wouldn't mind extra hands, if you can find me a new assistant. These gardens are a little too big for one man. So, when's your wedding, then?"

 "Oh, I don't know. We only just got engaged. And...before I get married, there's something I still have to do." Tommy looked to the front wall of the castle, towards the city and beyond. "I made a promise that I would go home to my family someday. Just wait 'till I tell them about this adventure."


A/N: In case you missed it at the beginning, this story was based on the fairytale 'The Twelve Dancing Princesses', specifically the version from Andrew Lang's 'The Red Fairy Book'. I would recommend reading it, and thank you for reading this one.

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