Post 7 Part 2

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6:20 that was the time on the clock when Sophie woke up that morning. Slowly but surely Sophie started to wake up. Sophie had just started to get ready to start a shower when her imparter went off. when she looked to see who was calling her, Fitz. When she picked up the call Fitz's face immediately popped on to the screen.

"Hey Sophie," Fitz said.

"Hey," she replied.

"So, ummm. I wanted to know if you wanted to come to Everglen, so we can practice cognate training?" Fitz asked her.

"Of course," she said in reply.

"Ok see you soon, Sophie," he said.

"Bye Fitz" she commented and with that said, Fitz, clicked off the screen. After a couple of minutes of just sitting there on her bed, Sophie decided to take her shower. When she was done in the shower, she got into a dress with a see-through top with a black skirt all around the bottom of the dress.

"What do you think Vertina?" Sophie asked her mirror.

"Since when did you start wearing dresses?" Inquired the mirror.

"Since Fitz asked me over to his house. How do I look?" replied Sophie.

"Well, I would say you could use a bit of blush and maybe a small amount of black eyeshadow," the mirror commented.

So as Vertina told Sophie which makeup to apply and wear Sophie obediently followed.

"Done," Vertina said after a few minutes.

"Wow, Vertina. This is great thanks!" Sophie told the mirror as she started to walk away.

When Sophie arrived at Everglen she walked up to the large golden gates and knocked. A few minutes later Fitz opened the gates for her and let her in.

"Wow, Sophie you look great," Fitz told Sophie.

"Thanks. how about we go to your room and practice," Sophie asked him.

"Sure" Fitz replied.

Italics is Sophie and bold is Fitz.



So first question. What was your first fear?

To lose my friends and family

Ok, mine was spiders.

Here is a hard one. Who is your crush?

Umm you. Who's yours?  She thought angry at her brain for betraying her.

At that moment Fitz knew what he had to do so he leaned over to Sophie and kissed her on the cheek.

Blushing furiously Sophie leaned over and kissed him squarely on the lips. when they finally broke apart Fitz asked Sophie a question.

¨hey Sophie since we both know that we like each other would you like to go on a date with me?¨ Fitz inquired hoping she said yes.

¨of course Fitz!¨ Sophie told him.

After an hour of just talking and chatting Sophie's imparter rang and she had to go home for dinner.

¨see you later Fitz" Sophie said.

¨bye Soph" Fitz told her as she leaped away.

I hope you guys like this chapter 510 words. Happy New Year everyone and doesn't forget to look at sophies dress above if you scroll. Also, comment if you enjoyed the music.

Your crazy Author,

                                      Sophists Forever

(This is Sophie's eyeshadow.)


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