Long AN that is totally irrelevant to your lives but I feel the need to share.

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So to wrap up the year I thought I would fill you guys in on what's been going on and why I've not updated. Although I have started on the final chapter of this book, I have lost my excitement to write. At this point in the year, a lot is going on.

My cousin who I've talked about multiple times is in a medically induced coma. He has been on a coma since the 16th or there abouts. This could be the end and it's pretty bad. He's had a bad year and they won't even let my aunt or uncle interact with him as it's to much stimulation.

I also had finals, a musical, pep band, marching band, a concert, a play, madrigals and cheer season to prepare for. On top of this I've been dealing with some personal stuff. I know you all probably don't care but I felt the need to tell you guys this and don't expect anyone to read this.

Love you all,

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