Parent Conversation

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Chapter 3


Serenity's POV 

After having lunch with the twins, we headed back to STAR Labs and assigned Cisco to take care of them knowing it'll be some sort of punishment if the kids ended up using their speed. The three ended up staying is where we train because it is bigger if they want to run while Barry and I headed to the Cortex. I went to sit down on a chair while Barry decided to stay standing. 

"So...." He said. 

"How are we going to tell the kids about the past?" I said. 

"I was wondering if we should start off with the beginning." He said. 

"Tell them when you got stuck into the speed force and how you got back not knowing anything but gibberish." I said and he nodded. 

"Tell them all about Devoe and the metas he created." He said. 

"Would they even want to hear about that group? Could they handle the story of you being in jail from Devoe's murder?" I asked.  

"I'm not sure we tell them that just yet." He said. 

"Then when do we tell them?" I asked, "Their getting more adventurous to figure out our past and they could do their puppy dog eyes to Cisco and it'll make him tell them." 

"We need help." He stated and I nodded my head before he went to call Joe. 

-15 Minutes Later- 

"I'm here, what's up?" Joe asked.

"We need parental help." I said and he nodded his head. 

"The twins are starting to want to know our past starting with the speed force." Barry said. 

"Has anything came up with Devoe yet?" Joe asked and we both shook our head. 

"We've been debating whether or not tell the two about him but we don't know when." I said. 

"Tell them about Devoe and his group, I'm gonna assume they'd be included. Don't be to serious, but don't make it to much like it would be unbelievable." Joe said and we nodded our head. 

"But the serious thing is to tell them about Barry's arrest?" I asked. 

"It is part of that past with Devoe." Joe stated. 

"So you're telling us to tell them?" Barry asked and Joe just shrugged before we saw them twins both speed in. 

"Papa Joe." They both yelled out and attacked Joe with hugs. I looked over the entrance to see Cisco running in panting.

"I was ok with one getting Barry's speed, not with the both of them though." He said and we all grinned at him. 

"Next time you tell them something pleases ask us if it's ok." I said. 

"But their puppy eyes." Cisco whined. 

"You just gotta learn how to restrain yourself during those stares." I said. 

"That's the same thing she told me when they were younger." Barry said before putting his arm around me. 


Hope you liked this chapter. 

See you soon Runners.   

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