Kun's Birthday

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dongiecheng: happy birthday gege!! i love you!!

chenlethedolphin: happy birthday hyung!!

emperorhuang: happy birthday!!

japantiesprince: happy birthday kun!!

innocentmaknaejisung: happy birthday hyung

NewieWooie: happy birthday kunnie!!

chickenwong: happy birthday kun-hyung

dongiecheng: hey. jungwoo. my man.

NewieWooie: don't worry hyung i'm loyal to yukhei

frogsol: happy birthday kun-ah!!

ohdaddyjohnny: happy birthday kun

leechaiyapornfairy: hap birth

sun_moon: happy birthday kun!! what would you like for your bday??

TYcrack: hbday and whatever taeil gets you it's also from me

innocentmaknaejisung: happy birthday hyung

jeffreyoon: happy birth

bunnydiy: hbday hyung



donghfairy: hbd

minhyung99: hap birth

kunandroses: ahhh thank you everyone!!! and sicheng i love you too!! and taeil-hyung you don't have to get me anything.

dongiecheng: what are you planning on doing for your bday??

kunandroses: just spending it with you guys and celebrating new years

emperorhuang: you should do something special for your birthday

kunandroses: just spending it with you guys is enough

leechaiyapornfairy: you're so cheesy i'm leaving

~~~leechaiyapornfairy LOGGED OFF~~~

ohdaddyjohnny: imma join him

~~~ohdaddyjohnny LOGGED OFF~~~

bunnydiy: jaehyun lets go to the park and watch the fireworks

nana00: can jeno and i join you hyung??

jeffreyoon: sure jaemin

smileyejeno: yayayayayayay

~~~smileyejeno LOGGED OFF~~~
~~~nana00 LOGGED OFF~~~
~~~jeffreyoon LOGGED OFFF~~~
~~~bunnydiy LOGGED OFF~~~

minhyung99: haechan get ready to leave we're going out

sun_moon: where??

donghfairy: where??

minhyung99: we're going on a date did everyone really need to know this

TYcrack: don't sass him mister

minhyung99: sorry hyung. hurry up haechan i'll be waiting for you at the door

~~~minhyung99 LOGGED OFF~~~

donghfairy: why doesn't he tell me anything until last minute ughh

~~~donghfairy LOGGED OFF~~~

sun_moon: i don't trust them out by themselves taeyong let's go

TYcrack: go where??

sun_moon: we're gonna follow them

TYcrack: taeil no. marks an adult now we have to trust him. he won't let anything bad happen to haechan he loves him too much

sun_moon: i guess....

TYcrack: lets go to the movies

sun_moon: why??

TYcrack: so you can your mind off of them

sun_moon: ok

~~~TYcrack LOGGED OFF~~~
~~~sun_moon LOGGED OFF~~~

japantiesprince: jisung what are the noises i hear coming from your room??

innocentmaknaejisung: nothing hyung

japantiesprince: jisung.

innocentmaknaejisung: it's nothing hyung don't worry

~~~innocentmaknaejisung LOGGED OFF~~~

japantiesprince: hansol go see what he's doing

frogsol: well... umm.... babe...

japantiesprince: oh right. i'll just do it myself

~~~japantiesprince LOGGED OFF~~~

frogsol: bye guys i should sleep now. happy bday once more kun!! and happy new years everyone!!

~~~frogsol LOGGED OFF~~~

NewieWooie: i feel bad for him

chickenwong: same

NewieWooie: lets go somewhere

chickenwong: ok. where??

NewieWooie: exploring

~~~NewieWooie LOGGED OFF~~~

chickenwong: oh goodness

~~~chickenwong LOGGED OFF~~~

chenlethedolphin: renjunnie come to my room!! i wanna show you something!!

emperorhuang: ok chenle

~~~chenlethedolphin LOGGED OFF~~~
~~~emperorhuang LOGGED OFF~~~

dongiecheng: they're cute

kunandroses: not as cute as you

dongiecheng: /.\

kunandroses: see cute

dongiecheng: you're cuter (^_^)

kunandroses: nahh. can't be when you're the cutest

dongiecheng: /*-*\ i'm blushing

kunandroses: come to my room

dongiecheng: ok /.\

~~~dongiecheng LOGGED OFF~~~

kunandroses: he's cute

~~~ kunandroses LOGGED OFF~~~

hi yes i'm alive
sorry ive not updated this in ages
ive not has inspiration or time cuz of school
also writing this takes a long time so i procrastinate a lot
sorry to winwin and chenle cuz they didn't get bday chapters
this was a mess i'm sorry

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