Xiaojun's Birthday

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HenderyNotHenry: happy birthday xiaojun!!

YinYang: yo happy birthday

chenlethedolphin: HAPPY BIRTHDAY GE

innocentmaknaejisung: HBDAY

emperorhuang: happy bday!!!

NewieWooie: happy birthday xiaojun

chickenwong: happy bday bro

nana00: happy bday hyung

smileyejeno: happy birthday hyung

ohdaddyjohnny: hap birth

leechaiyapornfairy: congrats you're a year older

TYcrack : ten seriously second time in a row. oh and hbday xiaojun

sun_moon: Happy birthday xiaojun!! make sure to not overwork yourself child.

japantiesprince: yo hap birth

kunandroses: happy bday junjun

dongiecheng: happy birthday xiaojun

donghfairy: happy birthday

bunnydiy: happy birthday

jeffreyoon: hbday

minhyung99: happy birthday yo

ModelXiaoJun: thank you everyone!!

YinYang: ge-ge what are you planning on doing for your birthday

ModelXiaoJun: idk yangyang i'll probably just be forced to practice.

dongiecheng: oh cmon you gotta do something more for your birthday.

ModelXiaoJun: idk what i would do.

chickenwong: what if hold party??

kunandroses: he means what if we hold a party for you.

HenderyNotHenry: i think thats a great idea. and lucas- ge is getting better at mandarin

chickenwong: thanks

HenderyNotHenry: of course


chenlethedolphin: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

ModelXiaoJun: i mean- if you guys really wanna i wouldnt object to it.

emperorhuang: im only coming if theres cake

dongiecheng: there will be cake. kun and i will plan it all xiaojun dont worry. just make sure you're in practice room 3 at 8 pm. that should give us enough time to get ready

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