Day One Of Training (AM)

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Riiiing! Riiiiing!

​I hate that alarm.

​Riiiiiing! Riiiiiing!

​I fucking hate it.

​I groaned as I got out of bed. Eve was not in the tent. Great. She got up early. As usual.

​I walked out of the tent and towards the dining hall for breakfast.

​As I entered and got in line, I felt anxious. Because I knew that nobody else knew me.

​"Katrina!" A female voice yelled.

​I felt someone jump onto my back, almost as​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ if asking for a piggy-back ride. I could tell who this girl was.

​"Eve, for the millionth time there is no reason to nearly murder your best friend to say hi!" I laughed.

​"Hey. I'm just happy you even got up this morning." She smirked, trying to annoy me.

​I was about to elbow her in the ribs when a blonde girl turned around and chuckled at our behavior. At least that's what I assumed looking out of the corner of my eye. I guess Eve noticed too because she smiled at the blonde.


​"Hello!" The blonde replied. "I​​​​​​​​ guess this is Katrina?" She glanced at me.

​"Oh, right!" Eve smiled. "Kit, this is Katrina." She turned to me.

​"Katrina​​​​, this is Kit."

​Kit seemed to be almost exactly like Eve. Except she wasn't skinny like Eve and she was blonde. She almost had some similarities to me.

"Can I braid your hair?" Kit asked.

​"Sure." I replied casually. I guess Kit's hometown ​​​​never allows girls with red hair to love there or something. She obviously had never seen a redhead before because she was all etcstatic about how red my hair was as she braided my hair.

​"I never knew The Wild Ones needed a hairstylist." I joked.

​Kit chuckled and replied. "Well, the girls should have some girly-girl time when they can."

​Eve seemed to not be paying attention because after not hearing her laugh and only hearing mine harmonize with Kit's, I turned to see her staring at a young man. He was shirtless and had a tattoo on his stomach that said OUTLAW. Yes, in all caps.

​"That's Ashley Purdy." Kit replied.​​​​​​​​​​ "Apparently he's called 'The Deviant' or 'The Outlaw' because he has been said to be mischievious."

​Eve blushed. Oh, Eve. She always tended to obsess over boys, especially the badboys.

​I wonder why she didn't act like that when she saw Andy *cough* Prophet the day before. ​He didn't se​​​​​​em any different than Ashley in the whole macho gettup.

​"You like him!" Kit said softly in a sing-songy tune to Eve as she leaned on her shoulder, batting her eyes. It was like they already knew each other and were best friends or something.

​She's not supposed to be Eve's best friend, I am.​​​​​​

​​​​​Eve seemed embarrased as her cheeks turned red. "What?"

​Kit batted her eyes again. "Hello, Mr. Purdy my name's Eve Black." She spoke in a southern-belle tone. "I just think you're the most handsome man that ever existed and I would be honored if you would marry me and be the father of my children."

​I bursted out laughing loudly like a hyena. That probably drew a lot of attention on us.​​

​"He's cute... but seriously?" Eve laughed. "That sounds nothing like me!"​​​​

​"Who said I couldn't exaggerate a little?"

​Eve raised an eyebrow.

​Kit burst out laughing. "Ok! It was a lot!"


​A few minutes later...


​After getting our breakfasts put on our plates on trays, which was eggs and pancakes, we looked for a table to sit down at. I wanted

​to sit at an empty table, but Kit and Eve decided to sit at the table where Ashley was sitting. Well, just Kit. Kit dared Eve to.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​Eve and Kit sat on the one side, right next to Ashley​​. Ashley seemed pretty friendly as he said hello to Eve and Kit and talked about training and stuff. I sat at the other next to a young man with short, dark, flippy hair. And right when he turned to face​​ me, I knew exactly who he was.


​The way he looked at me seemed different than the day before.​​ His eyes seemed to light up in a way, but the rest of him looked so serious.

​His eyes were blue. So blue. Were there eyes more beautifully shaded blue than his?

​His cheekbones, his collar bones, ​​his lips, ​​that lip ring.

​He was so mesmerizing...​​

​No... No.

*​​​​​​​​​Katrina what the hell are you doing?! You hate him!* I thought to myself.​​

​"Katrina..." A female voice spoke.

​I realized that moment how tall he is as I looked away. I guess I was staring into space because then I felt a ​​​​​​rough and painful kick into my shin. Dammit. Eve could be a little nicer when it comes to getting my attention.


​I turned my head quickly.


​"Are you really fighting against the guys for training?" Kit asked.

​I forgot. Jason placed me with the guys instead of the girls. Because I was more quick in strategy and stronger than the girls.

​I saw Eve glance at Prophet and then back at me with a smile before raising her eyebrows in a perverted form to annoy me again.​​

​I took a bite out of my pancake from my fork and nodded.

​"She really kicked ass when she was tested for her placement group." Another man spoke.

​CC. One of the judges. Known as 'The Destroyer' because he could even kill a cheetah with his bare hands. Well he was strong enough to. He actually did kill a cheetah with his bare hands. You would never think he was a really nice guy. Which surprisingly he was. He was there with Ashley and ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Jason. They were all surprised what I could do... being a girl.

​"She could probably kick some of the guy's asses while training today." Ashley said which got everyone to chuckle, except for Prophet.

​"We'll see." He said with a smirk glancing at me.

​I opened my mouth to say something as the alarm went off and everyone got out of their seats to head to training.

​I wanted to punch Prophet in the face, but another part of me said not to.

​The other part of me wanted him.

​The other part of me needed him.

​No way is that going to happen.

​I am fine on my own.

​I think...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 25, 2014 ⏰

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