Chapter Four

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I stood in front of my long mirror trying on dresses. Something I haven't done in a while tonight is new years eve. Some online friends I made flew down here some big youtube party. They told me to come sexy so I finally decided on a black dress. Strapless and showed off my curves I went for a classic red lip. I did a smokey eye and some red heels.

This was the first night in almost three years that I've looked like my old self. I spend the last hour I have curling my hair into lose waves. I take one last look at myself before grabbing my phone and clutch. The heels already hurt like a bitch I can't imagine stumbling around in them. My uber texts me letting me know he's here. He's around my dad's age and looks like every other middle-aged man.

"Going out for underage drinking I assume?"

"Depends on if you're a cop." The man laughs.

"No, I'm just a dad and you remind me of my daughter."

The way he talks about makes me think she's dead.

"She's off in the big apple, couldn't wait to get away from her old man."

"My best friend is in New York."

"Well, you make sure to watch out for creeps." He parks his car.

"Your party is right there."

"Thank you." I get out and go inside the apartment building.

I send a text to the group chat and only Gracie comes out to find me. She's the least outgoing and doesn't text in the group chat as much. She's my second closet friend her and Sam I tell everything.

"Youtubers I swear they all want to be the center of attention all at once." She says her voice is soft she has an English accent.

"Hey don't worry Grace we can still have fun."

"Oh, I guess so."

"Hey if everyone is wasted and annoying let's go back to mine and have a sleepover." She smiles her eyes light up.

"Sure!" I take a deep breath.

"Okay let's go," I say and push the door open.

It's not dark like I imagine but everyone is either dancing, taking selfies, taking shots, or just snapchatting each other. Amy, the girl who invited me here stop whispering as soon as she sees me. She just waves at me I walk with grace to get some water bottles. We even get some of the chips that two drunk girls are screaming about.

The smell from them is strong now I know what it is. It's weed they are both drunk and high just like most of my boyfriends. Amy and her friends ignore us as though we were never apart of this group. It's funny I've seen these people through a screen for years. Looked up to them and yet here I was wanting to be far away from them all.

I lean over to grace and whisper "God what a bunch of fakers." she nods in agreement.

"Let's go back to your apartment Turns out any wasn't gonna let me stay at hers."

Amy is still talking about something when I look at her.

"Where is all your stuff?" I ask.

"My rental car."

"Fuck okay yeah you can stay." She looks relieved.

"I'll pay for dinner," she says "but first I'm gonna steal their Doritos." She puts the bag of cool ranch Doritos under the coat she's holding.

We leave without saying goodbye I earn a look from Amy. Gracie drives us back to my apartment she may be from England but her dad isn't. Meaning she was raised in both countries and can drive just fine here.

"Get me out of these heels." She exclaims dramatically.

Once inside we both fall on my couch we both kick off our heels. She smiles at me and pulls out the Doritos. She opens them up and we snack on them as she orders pizza. I put on one of my favorite movie's "Beautiful Creatures."

"I can't believe they ignored us like that," I said shaking my head Grace took a bite of pizza.

"Ugh, I least I can find my way around Amy went without me." Grace looks upset.

"Mind if I ask what's wrong?"

"Well, uh when I got to the hotel she wasn't there said I couldn't stay...she was with a guy." My eyes grow huge.

"She kicked you out of your room for a guy?!" The sad part is I have no room to judge Amy.

"Yeah, it's fine...I never liked her I mean I did for a while." Gracie says.

"The sad part is I have no room to judge her," I say.

Gracie takes my hand and smiles at me.

"You Miss Lauren are different I know you have a well a bit of a past. But, you changed." The doorbell rings and I get up and hand the teenage boy some money.

"Now like I was saying Laur is that have good in you." I feel my eyes water.

It reminds me of the first time I hung out with Sam.

"Lauren, I've always known you have good in you most people do."

That's the kind of kindness that got Sam screwed over. Yet she keeps seeing the good in people no matter what they do.

"let's eat pizza!" Gracie yells. "Wait we never changed."

I laugh and I change in my room she changes in the bathroom. Six minutes later we are both on the couch whipping off makeup and stuffing our faces.

"It's a good thing we left when we did," Gracie says.


"There was some fight."

"Oh looks like they got a new story time."

"True. Hope it wasn't serious."

"Hey, Dude look." I point to the clock on my oven. "it's midnight."

"Happy new year!" Gracie hugs me.

"I'm so glad it was with you," I say.

A/n: okay so ik I don't write these but this was a filler yes it was a time skip yes she's famous now lmao...I wanted my book to be caught up okay-Alexis


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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