Her Story

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"Alessan!" shouted Sandra while running towards me holding three kjedahl flasks. She is one of my classmates who are crazy about 'The Book of Spells'.

"Can you hold it please." she asked while panting. She still managed to give her resplendent smile. I let out a heavy sigh and reached my hand out.

She put some weird things on the flasks and started casting spells. Maybe her dream is to become a witch.

Coping with my classmates beliefs on magic is horrible. Harry Potter is definitely a bad influence. Still, even if it is against my will, I always follow, go along and listen to their fantasies. Why? Because I am NOBODY. Different as they say. I don't have parents and I don't remember my past.

My unfortunate life started when I heard an unfamiliar voice saying, "Silhouettes appeared and then everything is shattered..." I opened my eyes to recognize him but I found myself sitting in a dark room installed with a variety of apparatus and machines. The floor shrouded with thick clots of blood, broken pieces of crystal glass and ... ice crystals turning into water. Above me is a small , less luminous lamp behind a disconnected tube blowing searing airflow raising the room's temperature and setting the machines ablaze with fire. At that very moment, I heard a strange and loud ringing sound reverberating in the entire room as an intermittent red light at the corner showed up. It was the alarm system.

Minutes after, I felt heavy footsteps in a hurry getting nearer every split second. The passage behind me opened and regurgitated three men in their late forties. They are wearing lab gowns, gloves, and masks with panic and shock evident in their eyes. They looked at me intently as if assessing me and the man in the anterior signaled his hand up as he ordered his fellow on the right side. "Come with me."

"Mr. Metchabe isn't it doubtful? Why did it break?"

"Cut it out." said by the head among them. The two of them approached me as the other one took care of the burning machines. I heard him asked, "How are you?". A question I can hardly answer.

After the chaos was resolved, I was brought in a room where everything is white-tinted and with a lingering undertone of bleach air throughout. Suchlike the room a while ago, there were a variety of apparatus and machines. As well as tools I am completely aware of what they are for. Those are used for surgeries.

They escorted me to lay on a bed with monitors on the side. They injected something. I felt my numb body few minutes later, and then they started to remove the glass pieces on every part of my body until I noticed that I was already fully-covered with gauze and bandages.

I tilted my head to my left and saw them having a serious talk. Moments later, they stood next to me.

"You will be fine. Please rest first." Mr. Metchabe mumbled before injected another drug and transferred me in another bed and entered me in a capsule -like machine. All I saw was a mild yellow lighting inside and then everything went blank.

I woke up the next morning because of the blinding rays of the sun from the curtain-free, glass wall that reached the ceiling. Only I, the bed where I laid, a bedside table and two old woman was inside. They were wearing maid uniforms. They walked towards me when they noticed that I'm awake. They approached me with a smile plastered on their eyes. They help me take a bath and change clothes. They escorted me outside where a limousine awaits.

I was driven to an establishment installed...... in betwen the mountains? A school in between verdant forests. Great.

"It is the Seiche Academy Miss. This is where you will take your schooling. As you know, every person needs education. " I heard the driver spoke for the very first time. Maybe he noticed my shock expression.

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