making meaning

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"Sometimes, to get someone's #attention , you just have to stop giving them yours. #keepinmind that you can never please all people no matter how harder you push because people will act upon a certain #situation only when it suits them, & that's our #humannature ... We are #radically #erradicating #irrational things to make it more rational base on our own #perspectives . Besides, you will never know a man until you test him... But do not lose hope because someday, one day, someone would make life become more #meaningful for us... & maybe that's the #reason why my #motion was not set into your #notion because I will be falling into someone else's... #maybe ... #justmaybe ... So for now, note that not everything should have meaning when you were with someone else, because there will be someone worth the wait who make everything become meaningful & #extraordinary for you even without you acting upon it..."

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