one way ticket to the blue

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Sometimes the love you are looking for cannot be found outside of your #premises , but likely, it can be found from within... Most of the time you cannot really find it on someonelse's because that's not meant for you... Not all the love we aim to receive cannot be given to us by the universe... There are just some one way stories that ends well just being like that... & You will come to a realization that being #alone is not a #lonely thing #afterall ... So if you feel like nobody is there... Look within... Maybe the thing you are looking for is just there within you. So when you felt like you are close to #weeping because of the #emptiness you are feeling inside... just let all the #agony comes out, #weep ... Crying ia not a sign of weakness, it is just a #pause from a very long #battle because you are preparing yourself for another round... Let all your #tears #takeaway all the #torment you are keeping inside, so that it will #ignite a hidden #passion for you to #keepmovingforward , remember that storms won't last forever... There's so much joy you can found in between those #greyrainbow because it #depicts a greater #silverlinings than those curved in the sky... Just keep in mind that the #universe is moving through everyone & every #circumstances to give to you. Open your eyes to the gifts in your #life .


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