Chapter 1

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"Come on, admit it Fionna," I whispered in her ear. "You are in love with me."

She gasped. Her cheeks grew to a rosey red. "I... I am not!"

"Oh, come on, baby," I said to her. She just glared at me. "The growing redness in your cheeks says otherwise. Man, the color could feed me for a week!"

"Ugh, okay, listen," she began, ignoring me, "Tomorrow is my birthday, if you bothered to remember, and I am having a party at the Treehouse. And, Marshall, I want you to come. As long as you aren't an arrogant dingus."

"Hey hey, Fifi," I chuckled. "Wait, is Gumball going to be there...?"

"Well, yeah," she answered. 

"Well, I don't know if I'll go then, but maybe you can hang out here after your party is over," I almost muttered. She looked at me a moment, almost as if she were studying me. 

"But..." she trailed off.

"But, what?" I said, willing her to continue.

"You have to come," She finished.

"Listen, I said I might, alright?" I said softly. 

"Just come!" She said with a raised voice. "And don't pick fights with Prince Gumball, alright?"

I chuckled and nodded. "Alright, Fifi. Go home and sleep. You're turning 16 tomorrow." 

She smiled at me. I smiled back. Fionna ambushed me in a bear hug and ran off. I could feel myself blush. She probably thought I didn't want to come only because I didn't like Gumball, but it was really because I didn't want to see her flirting with him. I couldn't ever tell her that, though. She probably would have thought that I was toying with her emotions, anyways. I sat there, staring at the moon for a while. Some serious philosophical stuff, ya know? Staring at the moon, thinking about her. Kinda feels like I'm creeping on her by thinking about her so much. But, hey, as long as Fionna doesn't know, it's cool. And I can never let her know.


Fionna's POV:

After I gave Marshall Lee a hug, I kind of ran away. Partly cause I needed to sleep, but mainly cause I didn't want him seeing my mad red cheeks. I knew they were blushing like math, but he could not see it. All I really knew then was that I couldn't wait for my party the next day. I knew it was gonna be tops blooby, and I really wanted to party down with Marshall Lee and Prince Gumball. One more than the other. And plus I was turning 16! Old enough to do extra things! Like, I don't know! But, I wanted to do them. As I was running to get back to the Treehouse, I was ambushed. I found myself on the back of Cake and she was running home as well.  

"Cake!" I yelled. "Where did you come from?"

"Oh, I was followin' you, honey," she began, "but then I lost you when you met up with Marshall Lee."

"You were following me?" I asked with a hint of irritation in my voice. 

"Yeah, honey," she answered, obviously oblivious to the annoyance in my voice. "I wanted to make sure that vampire hunk wasn't tryin' to hurt my girl!"

"V-vampire hunk?" I asked. 

"Come on, honey," She said. "You gotta admit that Marshall is smokin'!"

"Yeahhh..." I trailed off. "Wait, what?! No! I mean... maybe? He's... shut up, Cake!"

"Ooh, honey, you got a crush!" She exclaimed. I gasped and pinched her ear.

"Wha- no!" I yelled defensively. "No way! Me and Marshall are just friends!"

"Mhmm. Keep tellin' yourself that, honey."

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