Chapter 3

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Fionna's POV:

I just kissed him! I thought to myself. That wasn't the only thought I had. I had so many running through my mind, but it was impossible to hear any of them. I felt like I was going to explode with happiness. I had just kissed him, and I was so happy I did. I realized that I actually did like him. He wasn't toying with my emotions, he was telling the truth. He really liked me, too.

"So, you really do like me..." I muttered, avoiding his eyes. Look at him, Fionna!

"Well, yeah," he answered a bit awkwardly. "I told you that didn't I?"

He chuckled and I blushed. My cheeks felt like they were burning. As if they were on fire. Why is it suddenly so awkward? "I... I just... You've always seemed to toy with my emotions, and I didn't know how to feel when you told me that you l-"

I stopped as soon as I thought it. He said he loved me. That's what he had told me at the party. That he loved me. Not that he liked me. That he loved me. Oh, glob, please help me understand this boy.

"That I loved you?" He finished for me. I looked up at him. I was a bit shocked and I didn't say anything. I just nodded. "Well, I do."

I swallowed hard. My cheeks were still burning. I felt this odd electricity between us. I didn't know what to say, what to do, or what to think. I really needed a little help. A little guidance. Instead, I had a lot of, "I'm going into shock someone please help me before my heart bursts out of my chest."

All I could think was, "what do I do? Help me! I have no idea what to say. I'm so lost. He loves me?"

Someone help me before I start panicking!

"Fi?" Marshall said with concern. "Fionna? What's wrong?"

I had no idea what he was talking about until I realized I was having a panic attack. Oh, great. A panic attack. That's all I need. Then suddenly I was falling backwards. I felt arms catching me from underneath. Then everything went black.

Marshall's POV:

She was shaking so bad. Fionna was. I was really scared and concerned. She then fell back. I realized she had fainted and I quickly grabbed her before she hit the ground.

"Oh, Fi," I whispered. I then carried her into the treehouse and carried her to her room. I laid her into her bed and tucked her in. She was sleeping so peacefully.


I spent the next hour or so sitting next to her bed waiting for her to wake up. Cake came up there once and saw me and almost flipped out. I told her that Fionna had fainted and she came around. We had been caring for her. Putting wet towels on her head and making sure she was comfortable. She looked really content, even though she was unconscious. Funny how that works, right? I didn't really know what to do, so I just let Cake order me around. I felt like a nurse. I was kind of nursing her, so. That's a bit accurate. It seemed like she'd never wake up. I was starting to get scared, honestly, but then that hour of nursing ended. She started stirring in her bed and she blinked open her eyes.

"Marshall?" She said hoarsely. I smiled at her.

"Yeah?" I asked softly. She coughed and my smile faded. Was she okay? She must have seen the concerned expression on my face because she smiled and acted like she was totally fine.

"My mouth is a bit dry, that's all," she reassured me. I nodded and stood up immediately. I made for the door of her bedroom. "Where are you going?"

"To get you some water," I replied. She nodded and I smiled at her. I flew down past the ladders and into their kitchen. I flew to the sink and grabbed a glass from the cabinet. Then I filled the glass and flew back up into Fionna's room. She smiled at me as I handed the glass to her. Fionna took a few sips and set the glass down on the side table.

"I think I should try to get some sleep since my head is pounding," she said softly. She let out a quiet yawn and curled up in bed. Before I could say anything, she was already asleep. I bent down and kissed her forehead before I flew down into the living room. I didn't want to leave, so I curled up on the couch and fell asleep myself.

*I'd like to apologise for the short chapter. Having a slight writers block, but I wanted you guys to get something to read.*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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