Shy Guy

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"Any advice for a shy guy that tries to show a girl his emotions, but makes himself look like an idiot by being awkward? A friend of mine wants to know."


There's several things I could say to that, assuming that the shy guy's (We'll call him S.G.) emotions are that of attraction. First off, it all depends on S.G.'s relationship with the girl. How long have they been friends? How close are they? Does the girl show any signs of returning S.G.'s attraction?

Have S.G. pay more attention to what the girl is doing when they interact. Does she smile/laugh at his jokes? Does she play with her hair or jewelery? Does she turn her body towards him and gives her full attention when they talk? Stereotypically, these are a few signs that a girl is interested.

If she's doing these things, S.G. should use these as a confidence booster when trying to show his emotions. Being confident about sharing how you feel towards her will get clue her in and possibly get her thinking on if she feels the same. Plus confidence is an attractive quality and will most likely give S.G. more of a chance with this girl.

That being said though, it's absolutely okay if S.G. acts awkward. It's normal in a situation like this. Nobody is really comfortable with showing how they truly feel about someone out of fear of being rejected or judged. And honestly? Some girls like it when a guy acts awkward. To them it's cute and it shows them that the guy is nervous, which in most cases means he cares.

If S.G. comes across a moment where he is showing his emotions to the girl, but ends up feeling like an idiot because of it, I would say to abort the mission. And by that I mean, play it off and play it cool. If you act calm and relaxed about the situation, chances are she will too. Even though it may be uncomfortable at first, make moments like these more frequent. It will help confidence and ease during times like this, for both S.G. and the girl.

Again though, I think in this situation it all depends on the girl and the relationship S.G. has with her. But if he acts awkward it's all good. If she is worth his time, then it shouldn't matter significantly to her. Personally I don't think that if S.G. acted awkwardly that that makes him an idiot. If anything it may give S.G. extra brownie points. If S.G. shows confidence, then kudos to him :) Just don't mix up confidence with cockiness because that's a turn off for most girls.


I hope this helped! If anyone wants me to elaborate further on something I mentioned above, feel free to say so :)

Tell me your thoughts on my advice. Whether you agree, disagree, what you would have advised differently, etc.

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