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Nick's prov:

Sup I'm Nick Matthews I'm the lead singer of Get Scared well today's my birthday (just go with it okay!) and I'm not really the drinking guy I just drink sometimes but not going to bars I drink Red Bulls and Monsters and some beers but no my friend Johnny thought it would be "fun" to go to a bar for my birthday I mean yeah it's my birthday and I can do whatever I want but I don't want to upset him and plus I'm dying for a beer right now so why not what can go wrong everything will be fine
Oh fuck no I was so wrong or was I?

*Time skips*

"Come on Nick it will be fun let's just go" said Johnny "I don't wanna go just so I can have sex with a stripper and a slut when I'm drunk!" I said "NICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said Johnny whining like a little kid who's begging to go outside when it's snowing just to build a snow man. "MY GOD FINE WE'LL GO! FUCK YOU JOHNNY!" I said "YAY!!!!!!!!! AND FUCK YOU TOO NICK" said Johnny happy I laughed at him "ew get fucked by you gross never I would rather get laid by a stripper then you ew" I said in discuss and playful "sure whatever Nicky!" he said I walked to my bunk and grabbed my clothes so I can shower after me and Johnny left the bus around 6:30 the others just stayed I don't know why their weird just like Johnny but oh well we made it to the bar I looked at Johnny and he looked at me smiling and walked in I followed there was music it was so loud I swear my eardrums fell out Johnny went to go get us drinks I sat in one if the chairs next to the bartender I saw people watching strippers dance to the song that was playing "here" said Johnny I gave him a concerned look "just drink it Nick" he said as he drank his drink I shrugged and drank whatever the drink was I pulled away from the cup and almost threw up the drink but I managed to swallow it the drink was to damn strong "what the fuck was that" I said "Tequila" he said I looked at him and drank the liquor more I was a little drunk I just stayed at the bartender Johnny went to go fuck some stripper at her house or something I looked at the bartender "H-Hi" I said "hey may I help you?" "huh oh uh no I just wanted to talk that's all" "okay so what's up" she said "oh nothing much just drinking and drinking you know dumb shit" I said "yeah I can tell you smell like liquor a lot hey aren't you Nick Matthew's from Get Scared?" "Yeah I am I'm surprised you even know my band I though you were into this music" I said as Worth It by the weekend started playing "oh no I'm not I hate pop I'm usually just into rock music and stuff like that you know" she said "yeah I do so what's your name?" I said "Jessica" she said smiling "nice name hi Jessica" I said as I extended a hand for her to shake "hi Nick" she said as she shook my hand I smiled "so wanna hang out and ditch this fucked up place?" I said "sure why not" she said I smiled and we left the bar we went to go hang out at the fair cause there was one in town "whatcha wanna do?" I said "wanna go play a game?" she said "sure why not" I said we went to go play a game "woah I'm a winner!!!!!! What's up!!!!!!!!! Oh hell yeah!!!!! I said I saw Jessica laughing I gave her the prize which is a stuffed bear "here you go" I handed it to her "t-thank you" she said blushing I have to admit she's cute and adorable but I just met her plus she probably has a boyfriend I smiled "you're welcome" we went on some rides and other shit. We decided to leave the fair cause it was getting late "what now?" I said "I don't know I'm kinda tired and my house is really far" well you can stay in my bus we have an extra bunk if you want" I said "uh sure why not" she said "okay let's go" I said we left and went inside the bus to sleep when we walked inside it was quite everyone was asleep I showed her where the bunks are I showed her where the extra bunk was which was the bottom one bellow mine "if you need anything I'll be on top okay?" I said "okay and uh Nick can you stay here with me?" she said "yeah sure" I said we both laid in the buck I wrapped my arms around her she didn't have any problem with it she cuddled inside my chest and we both fell asleep "I really wanna make her mine" I thought as I fell asleep

What's wrong with you!? (A Nick Matthews Story)Where stories live. Discover now