johnny headcannons

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• johnny bit the ends of pencils and straws

• johnny was great with little kids

• johnny thought it was good for a person to cry every once in a while

• johnny really liked school up until 3rd or 4th grade, when his teachers started thinking he was dumb

• johnny was adored by two-bit's little sister (in my mind she's only 5 or 6) and whenever he would spend the night on their couch they'd stay up the whole night telling eachother stories

• johnny was kissed by two-bit in the lot one of two-bit's drunken nights (he thought johnny was a broad he was going out with at the time) and it was johnny's first kiss

• johnny always had to get ponyboy to help him with his english homework

• johnny wished ponyboy was his brother

• johnny actually doesn't mind being a greaser, he just doesn't like being teased for it.

• johnny's full name is jonathan, and his parents call him by that all the time, which made johnny hate it, and the gang used to tease him for it before they knew what his parents did to him

• johnny once saw a little kid on the street crying because he'd dropped his ice cream, and used his cigarette money to buy the kid a new ice cream cone. he was mooching cigarettes off dallas the rest of the week.

• johnny once sat down in the lot and cried after getting a beating from his dad because pony nor dally was there and he felt completely alone

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