New Group Member

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Your POV


The bell for lunch rings. I hastily gather my papers and stuff them into my backpack. I rush to the lunchroom. Plopping into a chair, I start taking out my lunch box and wait for Mark, Tyler, Amy and Katherine. It only takes a minute or two for them to show up.

"Hah! I beat you Mark, wheres my five bucks?" I grin.

Mark sits next to me holding out the money, "Ugh fine. Take it." he groans.

Amy is seated next to him and Tyler and Katherine are sitting across from us.

Mark perks up and says, "Oh right! I invited a new person to sit with us. I got partnered with him for a video project. He's cool."

"What's he like?" Amy asks.

"Well for starters he has a small youtube channel like me. From what I can tell he's funny, chill, awkward, and a little weird, like you Y/N." Mark says turning to face me.

"I hate you." I say fake pouting.

"I doubt you hate your best frannnd." he replies blinking and tilting his head.

The conversation is interrupted when a boy with lots of acne, but still looks decent, walks up to our table.

"Uh, hi Mark." he says.

"Hey Ethan! These are my friends Y/N, Tyler, Katherine, and Amy." Mark says pointing out each of us.

"Nice to meet you guys." he says taking a seat.

"Oh hey, you're in my locker row! I've seen you around." I say.

"I think I've seen you too." Ethan says.

"I have an idea!" Tyler announces.

"IMMMM TYLER AND I HAVE AN IDEA FOR ONCE!" I yell. Katherine snickers.

Tyler gives me a death stare, "Anyway, lets all meet up sometime so we can get to know you Ethan. You down?"

"Sure! I just need your phone numbers and stuff." Ethan says.

After we exchange numbers, it's time to head back to class.


It's been a couple of days since Mark introduced us to Ethan. We planned to all meet up at Mark's house today. We all sat in his basement just talking.

"You know what? Let's play truth or dare and be a cliché group or high schoolers!" Mark exclaimed.

Katherine backed up, "I'm gonna sit out for this one."

"Alright then, let's see... Y/N! Truth or dare?" of course he picks me.

"Dare." I say. Oh god, was that a mistake? It was probably a mistake.

"I dare you to let me post something on your twitter." Mark says. Whew.

"Ok." I hand him my phone and he furiously types away. It's not like I use my twitter anyways.

"Tyler!" I start.

"Truth or dare?" I say.

"Hmm truth." he decides.

"Who is the last person you've kissed?" I questioned wiggling my eyebrows.

"Oh, that's easy. No one." Tyler says looking relieved.

With a surprised face, I say, "Really? Never? Not even, like a peck in elementary school?"

"Not that I remember. Welp, uhh Ethan, truth or dare?" Tyler says.

"Truth." Ethan replies.

"Who at school do you have a crush on? You can't lie." Tyler smirks.

"Ughhh why? Fine. Kacey Burrow." He flatly says. Kacey is one of those people who are semi popular, so it's not a shock. He could get her if he really tried. We know he's not lying because even though it's only been a couple of days, Ethan has really integrated into our friend group.

"OOOOH ETHAN"S GOT A CRUSH!" Amy exclaims.

"YOU CAN'T TELL ANYONE!" Ethan screams at us.

"Don't worry we wont. Can't promise anything about Mark though. Hold on, where's Mark?" I say.

"In the bathroom" Katherine says while munching on chips on the couch.

"That's one less problem for you Ethan." Amy says.

We play for a little while longer before everyone has to leave.


A/N Heyo it's the author who doesn't know how to end chapters or even name them! Seriously, tell me if you have ideas because I could use them. Yes, I️ know this is a boring one, I️ just need to introduce some stuff. Deuces✌️

Fake It 'Till You Make It (Crankgameplays/Ethan Nestor x reader){discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now