The Funeral

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First chapter of the new year! Hope you all enjoy! (Yes i know that is Emma Watson with Ben Barnes and not Keira Knightley but this is how i imagine their exchanges later in the chapter would look)

Today was the day. The funeral. My sisters funeral. I had never imagined that it would happen so soon. In fact I'd always thought i would go before her because of the dangerous profession i was bound to have. But here i am now in a knee length, fitted black dress, makeup done perfectly, standing in front of my bathroom mirror. My friends and I were all off of school today so we could attend. I was nervous. I hadn't been to a funeral since my father died. All these things swirled through my mind as Lily came and stood next to me in the mirror, wearing a similar black dress.
"You look lovely. Just like her you know." She smiled sadly, taking my hand in hers. I smiled faintly back at her. People always went on about how much Kailey and i looked alike. "Come on, everyone is waiting in the common room." I nodded as she led me out of the room and down the stairs. We were all going to walk to Dumbledore's office to travel by port key.
I looked up as i reached the bottom of the steps and saw my friends. I blushed faintly at the way Sirius looked my up and down. The guys all looked handsome in black suits and the rest of the girls all had black dresses on as well. I felt Remus drape an arm over my shoulder and I walked between him and Lily.
We said our goodbyes to Dumbledore as we touched the port key and found ourselves behind the funeral home. I took a deep breath as I walked in and saw so many people i despised. I looked across the room at the line for the immediate family and knew I'd have to join my mother and Alex there. I first went up to the casket. She was so beautiful. Porcelain skin with cherry red lips that were turned up. Her red hair shone in the light. She wore blue for Ravenclaw, i had made sure of it.
"Love you Kay." I whispered before making my way to the line. My mother glared at my as I approached her but for the sake of all the muggle family friends and relatives, we had to act like one big happy family. I hugged her and she whispered in my ear with a fake smile.
"This is your fault. It was your kind that killed her. It should've been you." She hissed and i back away with an equally fake smile.
"No mother this is not my fault. But i agree it should've been me." I hissed and watched her brows raise in surprise before i lightly hugged Alex and took my place in between them. Many people came through and hugged me and i heard the same old things a million times.
"I'm so sorry for your loss."
"She was so young and you are two."
"You didn't deserve this."
"You are so like her."
"Look how you've grown."
"sorry dear, i know how you adored her."
"At least you still have your brother."
I laughed at that one.
Finally friends were aloud to come through the line. Alex's came first though.
Regulus approached me with somewhat guilty eyes but nonetheless picked up my hand and placed a kiss on it. "I'm sorry." He whispered. I could sense a double meaning. I nodded and smiled slightly, thanking him. Snivellus, Avery, and Malfoy just walked past me with nods.
Peter came up next, stuttering out his regards and hugging me lightly. Before my other friends could approach however two faces i really didn't want to see stood in front of me. Cassy and Dan. They were twins the same age as Alex and i. Our mothers were good friends so growing up we'd always be forced to play with them. Dan was constantly flirting with me while everything was always a competition with Cassy. If i had any confidence issues, it was because of her and her stupid perfect face, long legs, and glossy black hair.
"Liv I'm so sorry." She said with a fake sweet voice before hugging me. I winced and thanked her. "We'll talk later." She said before hugging Alex. I held back a laugh as i saw him roll his eyes.
"Olivia, wow. You've grown." Dan remarked, looking at me hungrily and i blushed under his stare. He leaned in and pressed a sloppy kiss to my cheek and hugged my way too close to him for way too long. "I'm so sorry for your loss babe." He said, his voice full of fake sympathy and i just nodded. He moved to hug Alex who had been watching the exchanged. Alex simply glared at him, pushed him away and offered him a stiff handshake. I knew even though Alex hated me he was still protective at times.
Finally James came up and engulfed me in a huge, warm hug. "How are you doing?" He whispered into my ear.
"If i get one more fake sympathetic smile I'm going to stab someone." I whispered. He chuckled sadly and pulled away.
"That's my snow."
Next was Remus who hugged me tightly for a long time. He said nothing, just stroked my hair and smiled soothingly before walking off after civilly shaking Alex's hand.
Sirius came up next and swooped down to gently kiss my cheek. He smiled sadly and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear before hugging my tightly. "How are you holding up Snowflake?" He whispered against my neck making me shiver.
"I've been better Pads." He just squeezes me tighter before letting go and walking over to James and Remus.
I then got hugs and tears from Lily, Marlene, Alice, and Mary.
We all proceeded to the burial site and Alex even put an arm around me as the lowered the casket.
Later we were at the reception. I thought it was stranger to have a party but whatever. I was looking at pictures and Cassy and Dan approached me. Dan immediately put his arm around my waist making me jump a bit. He reminded me too much of Amos sometimes. I cringed as i felt him rub circles on my hip with his thumb. I was about to push him off before i saw my mother and their mother watching us.
"So how's that foreign school going Liv? It's in America right?" Cassy asked like she actually cared. We had told them when i left for Hogwarts i was attending a boarding school in America.
"Fine, thanks." I replied shortly. Cassy rolled her eyes and pulled her brother off of me who had been pushing himself closer to my body.
"Still no boyfriend i see? I have one, he's over there getting drinks. Isn't he handsome." She sighed trying to act like it wasn't a big deal when really she was trying to make me jealous. I looked over to see a tall, somewhat muscular guy by the punch. He was very handsome with his blonde hair and blue eyes. I didn't want to be but she always did make me feel jealous and inferior. It blinded me.
"Actually i do have a boyfriend. He goes to school with me. He's here supporting me today." I said smugly. I internally cringed at the lie.
"Oh really, what's his name?" She said pleasantly, her eyes narrowed at me before she looked over at the marauders.
"Sirius." I blurted. Oh Merlin why did i say that?
"Oh Sirius!" Cassy called and i watched as he turned around to look at us. He looked confused but walked over. I almost smiled in satisfaction as she gasped at him. He was definitely more handsome than her crappy boyfriend.
"Yes?" He asked hesitantly, looking at me. I could already feel myself blushing. Dan rolled his eyes and walked away.
"I'm Cassy. I grew up with Liv here. So nice to meet her boyfriend! I thought she'd never get one." Cassy fake sighed and i blushed harder as he looked at me with a knowing smirk.
"Oh, nice to meet you too. Actually, Liv here has had a few boyfriends. I was lucky to snag her. Most beautiful girl in school this one is." He smiled, wrapping an arm around my waist. Cassy still didn't seem to believe it.
"You're very handsome. Surly there are girls that look like models lining up for you." She laughed, implying that i didn't deserve him.
"Well thanks, but the only girl i need lining up for me is this sexy model." He growled teasingly, swooping down to kiss my neck as he briefly tickled my sides. I giggled at being tickled and he held me close to him. Cassy just narrowed her eyes.
"Hm cute." She gritted out.
"He is cute, isn't he?" I asked in a fake, love struck voice before i got up on my toes to press a kiss to kiss cheek. I watched in awe as he flushed a very light, barley noticeable pink. I'd never before seen Sirius Black blush and it was probably the best thing I'd seen in awhile. I grinned for the first time in days and he subtly rolled his eyes at me.
"Very. Nice talking to you two." She all but spat before walking off.
"You blushed." I immediately stated as he let me go.
"I did not, I'm just hot." He protested rolling his eyes.
"Well, you are hot..." i growled teasingly like he had a minute ago and watched his cheeks heat up slightly again, "but you were definitely blushing like you are right now." I smiled.
"Well look who's talking. You lied about me being your boyfriend to make someone jealous." He grinned as i blushed. "Who's blushing now." He teased, poking my cheek.
"Well you called me sexy." I shot back and he just grinned wolfishly.
"Wasn't making that up babe." He said and i blushed harder.
"Ugh." I groaned.
"What's wrong, sexy?" He pouted, putting hugs hand on my waist.
"Stop." I groaned again. Putting my hands on his chest to keep him away.
"Stop what? Sexy." He grinned pushing closer, his other hand now sneaking behind my back to pull me towards him.
"Stop saying that!" I protested, a smile unable to hide from my face.
"C'mere you sexy little thing." He laughed, before hugging me sweetly. I laughed into his suit jacket, my face beet red.
"I hate you."
"More lies? What is with you today?" He asked teasingly. We heard a cough and separated to see a grinning Remus. "Uh I'm going to go make sure Lily doesn't kill James." Sirius said rubbing his neck before winking at me and walking away. I looked at Remus to continued to smirk at me.
"Oh shut up." I sighed.
"I didn't say anything..." he said started to walk away. He turned back for a brief second, "sexy." He whispered with a grin, mocking the name Sirius had just used on me.
"Oh get out of here." I groaned and pushed him away before turning back to the display boards of pictures. Marlene came and stood next to me.
"Hey." I sighed.
"Hey. Had to get away from James and Lily."
She chuckled softly and i looked behind me to see James playing with Lily's hair who looked half like she wanted to kill him and half like she wanted to kiss him.
"She so likes him." I chuckled and she nodded in agreement.
"Wow i thought that was you." Marlene pointed to an old picture of Kailey in her compartment on the hogwarts express. She did look scarily like me in the picture. "How old is she there?"
"Maybe sixteen? About our age i think." I sighed, a small smile on my lips.
"That would explain it then." She laughed and hugged me as a tear rolled down my cheek.
I thought and realized how many times I'd actually smiled today. It was all thanks to my friends. I knew Kailey woulda be so happy that i was celebrating her life instead of continuing to mope around. Her written words echoed in my ear but in her sweet, gentle voice.
  "I won't always here for you but to be happy, you need to let people surround you with the love and devotion you deserve."
  Who was i to deny her dying wish for me?

Hey guys! Really hope you enjoyed it. I wanted to get across the point that funerals are really hard. They are messy. Especially when you have a messy family. But it's not all sad and all crying the whole time. There are normal everyday exchanges and problems within it. There are also happy moments because you are celebrating a loved ones life and you know that's how they would want it. Please keep this in mind if you are ever in a similar situation as Liv. Thank you so much for reading! Please leave some feedback, I'd really appreciate it! Xxx💜😊😘

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